Wednesday, December 08, 2004


1- This semester is officially over for me sports fans. Thank God. It wasn't difficult, but it was boring. Program evaluation blows. It's really useful, and the classtime itself is a lot of fun, but good gravy writing a 15 page paper on it and taking tests composed of 10 essays was really kickin' the crap out of the enjoyment.

2- Went to mass tonight. Feast of the Immaculate Conception. I'd forgotten how much I like that feast. Lots of Mary songs and the homily was about St. Bernadette (my personal favorite.) I used to be really into Bernadette...we had a movie about her and I had a few books about her. I actually was really into apparitions...I don't know why since I was scared out of my wits of them. When I was a kid I was always afraid that I would have to see one and I really didn't want to. All the kids that saw Mary ended up as priests, nuns, or died shortly after of pretty painful diseases. In Bernadette's case, Mary told her that she "couldn't make her happy in this life, only in the next." Bernadette died of tuberculosis that had spread to her bones. Really painful/agonizing way to go. The whole part of her life where she was seeing Mary was cool though :)

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Blogger mance01 said...

If there's no link between the spiritual world and the physical world, why are we here? Does what we do in the physical world have no effect on where we end up in the hereafter? Cause if not, there are a few people that need to watch out :)

Thu Dec 09, 08:03:00 PM PST  

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