Watch me count backward from 10.
Well, lists seem to be popular on the blogger scene as of late, so I thought I'd join in the fray instead of drying my hair and getting ready for work!
Top 10 Worst Things That Happened This Year
10. Raine Maida producing many crappy teenybopper albums and thus unjustifying my love.
09. Missing out on my best friend from high school.
08. Not being able to sleep in ever.
07. Having to leave New York.
06. Learning all about the human rights violations taking place all over the world and knowing
that I can't go help because my parents would freak out if I ever left the country- let alone
for Sudan to help refugees from genocide.
05. My sisters continuing their descent into adulthood.
04. Brittain leaving me.
03. Pranathi leaving me.
02. Receiving an internship at the health department which will NEVER end.
01. *Updated: apparently my worst happening of the year has to be something that happens to me- not my selfish rule!* So my new #1 will be not getting into medical school. (There's still hope for it, but I'm really not holding my breath at this point.)
*Note: It took me a really long time to figure out 10 bad things that have happened this year.
My life is really incredibly easy and I'd just like to take a moment to point out that
anytime I am complaining, you should refer me back to this list.
Okay...took a lot longer than I thought it would, so I'll do the top ten with a positive spin later today! I have to go spend some quality time with my blowdryer. (I use it to threaten my hair into submission every day.) Laters!
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