Sunday, January 09, 2005

Annnnnnnnnnndddddd......yup, it's gone.

I woke up this morning feeling incredibly productive. Today was going to be the day that I finally cleaned up my incredibly messy apartment, got some stuff ready for Meatless Monday tomorrow, went to church, all kinds of stuff. Yeah....I had that feeling....and then it was gone. I got up and went to church, and then I decided to see if Carolyn wanted to have lunch. I went out with a big group from school last night, and felt like rehashing a few things. So, we went to Jason's deli and had a fabulous meal....I think I had a 1/2 tuna salad sandwich, a cup of soup, some potato salad, and a side of tranquilizers. I was so stuffed, I had to waddle through the Fresh Market when we got done. Then I came home to get down to business and instead passed out on my couch for 3 hours. Apparently my sleep cycle is a bit shorter than everyone else's because I always wake up in 3 hours, not the traditional 4.

Either way, now I'm incredibly lethargic and I certainly don't feel like cleaning this apartment, going grocery shopping, or stuffing little treatbags for Meatless Monday. Damn you naptime!! You're stealing my life away. Honestly, naps are how my apartment got this way in the first place. Everytime I plan on cleaning, I end up napping. It's just so nice with my fleecy blanket and my nice long couch. All at once it's the best and worst part of living alone. Well, I'm going to try to do some stuff, if only so that I can quit stubbing my toes and being frightened by the population of spiders that seem to have taken up residence in the various warm, dark spots I've provided them. Laters!

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