Monday, January 10, 2005

I don't think this is what he meant

When Charles Dickens penned the line, "Life is full of meetings and partings...." I really don't think this is what he meant. My life is one giant meeting. If I'm not in a meeting, I'm supposed to be in one and have just forgotten the time or something. I have meetings every single day this week, and 3 meetings on Friday! What could these people possibly have to say that is this important?!? This is why my apartment is in a constant state of disarray, I do nothing but eat out, I have no money, and I'm exhausted all the time! Wow...and I totally forgot to pick up my Meatless Monday stuff. I left it all sitting out at school. God I hope no one steals it. I'll go by at 7:30 in the morning and pick it up. I refuse to go back to campus luck someone would spot me in the hallway and want to meet over dinner. I think I'm going to go meet with some of the food I finally had the chance to buy yesterday...only in the guise of purchasing Meatless Monday fodder for today. If I can make it to the doorway without drowning in the sea of clothes all over my floor. (BTW, if you happen to be my sister Jessica reading this, there is no sea of clothing...only a floor so clean you could eat off of it. Yes...cleaaannnn.....)

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