Monday, March 14, 2005


UGHHH!!! I hate going back to school after being gone. I am so far behind on everything. I have an exam tomorrow- haven't studied one iota for it. PHSA had a meeting, invited the Dean, great, cookies for everyone. But then they told the Dean they'd get back to him by Friday afternoon. He hasn't heard anything from them. So now Richard's freaking out because it makes him look bad. He and I are going to have simultaneous breakdowns. I'm actually looking forward to going in to work today so I can get some stuff caught up on. Oh, it's also supposed to be Meatless Monday. Is anything being done? Hells no. AUGHH!! I need a job. And I need to graduate. And I need to move. I'm le tired. more immediate needs are to get my hair dry, to get dressed, and to get my sorry butt to class. Better tend to those first. Later I'll let you in on my top job choices! (They're all in NYC...yeah!) Laters!


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