Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I'm a glutton for punishment

The organ center just called me to go on a case. Of course it's about 2 hours away. And of course I said yes. Ugh. No sleep for Samantha tonight...but there will be money for Samantha next month, and that's what counts. I am teetering on the precipice of poverty (completely my fault) and having to work my butt off to mend the error of my ways. Oh well. I'll work all night, go to my other job in the morning, go to class until 5 PM tomorrow and then go straight to meetings until 8 PM. Woohoo! God help my poor project partners in my classes. I haven't done any work on our big project. You know me- the queen of cock-eyed prioritization. Well, better find something to eat before I leave. Laters!


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