Sunday, April 17, 2005

Made Up Kind of People

I'm trying to finish creating an Access database for my biostatistics class. Our professor is making us create a study, create a data dictionary, create an Access database (which is stupid because absolutely NO ONE IN PUBLIC HEALTH uses Access for databases), and then make up fake data for 25 participants in the study. This is taking for-frikkin'-ever. I'm sitting in the computer lab at school, and I'm really tired, and I want to go home. But, if I sit here and finish this tonight, my partner has to do the rest of the project (which includes running the statistics on my made-up people and writing up a summary of our project.) So...I have resolved to be good and finish...and to reward myself I have "Spanglish" at home.

You know, Blockbuster has spawned a whole new movement for some of my friends and I. With the dawn of "No More Late Fees" has come the dawn of "Let's switch the movies that we rented because I'm not worried about you turning it in on time anyway!" It's saving me lots o' money because my friends rent a lot of movies, so I just keep getting theirs :) Yay! (I'm still too afraid to go to Blockbuster. I'm afraid the entire "No More Late Fees" campaign is actually just a clever ruse to bring me in so they can take me down at the door. I owe Blockbuster a lot of soul...and my firstborn child.)

Okay, enough procrastinating. Back to Access (damn you Bill Gates.) Laters!!


Blogger Tom said...

hmm, have you seen it? Spanglish isn't that good. Also, don't go into blockbuster. They are waiting for you. dun dun dun. tell your friends to rent better movies for you to borrow. like any of the movies listed in my "favorite movies" section.


Sun Apr 17, 08:15:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

I just watched was okay...glad I didn't pay for it. Thanks for the tips on movie rental...also, thank you for showing me the correct way to write "dun dun dun." I say it all the time, but had no idea how to put it across typographically. Learn something new every day :)

Sun Apr 17, 10:48:00 PM PDT  

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