Saturday, April 16, 2005

Workin' for the weekend!

Ah, there's nothing like having to be at work at 8:30 AM on a Saturday morning. Or at least I hope there's nothing like it. Cause I gotta tell ya- it sucks. Stupid health fair. Oh, and the health department had these shirts made for us to wear. I figured they'd be royal blue (cause that's the official health department color) t-shirts. Ohhhhh no my friends. Instead they are light blue denim button down shirts. I think light blue denim is hideous. Particularly when worn with blue jeans (as is required of us.) So, I'm wearing clashing denim. Fashion-impaired DAs. Alright, enough whining. I'm out...laters!


Blogger Tom said...

haha hahaha hahahahahahaha
you have to wear denim shirts. that is the funniest thing I've ever heard of. who thought that was a good look, I mean, ever? Who was the first guy to look at a pair of jeans and go "you know, I'm thinkin' of puttin my arms through them leg holes, and wearin' that as a top."



Sat Apr 16, 02:25:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

I think the conversation went more like, "Damn these jeans are too ugly to go on my legs. They're thin and ever so lightly colored...not unlike the 80's acid wash style that went out two decades ago. Maybe they'd look better up here."
*Proceeds to wrap them around his torso*
Either way, that dude totally sucks.

Sat Apr 16, 02:38:00 PM PDT  

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