Saturday, April 16, 2005

What's for dinner?

The contents of my refrigerator are as follows:
- An expired jug of orange juice
- A jar of grape jam
- A container of refried beans
- A half-bottle of white wine
- A package of rotten grapes (or as I like to call it: "wine in progress")
- 3 containers of whipped yogurt
- A jar of light mayo
- A bottle of ketchup
- A box of margarine
- A bottle of expired Irish Cream CoffeeMate

Damn...send that stuff to kitchen stadium and see what they'd do with it. Of course, your judges would probably have to have an iron stomach. I have fish sticks and frozen veggies in the freezer. That'll work. :) laters!


Blogger X said...

Hmmm, alright...

Beans with ketchup, fried (again) in the margarine, served with a dab of mayonnaise and some white wine/wine in progress as a beverage.

For dessert, yogurt with orange juice and grape jam.

You can save the Irish Cream CoffeeMate for breakfast.


Sun Apr 17, 04:52:00 AM PDT  

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