Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Give Me High-Tech

A friend and I were having a pretty in-depth discussion about the state of Alabama yesterday. We're both contemplating moving out of state, although he's not planning on leaving for a few years and my plans are of the ASAP-variety. He was trying to convince me that I don't really hate Alabama and that my reasons for leaving are less about this state and more about the need for change. And he's right...I'm definitely itching for a change of scenery, but it's more than that. Alabama really does suck. And I had quite a few examples to back this up. For instance, corruption.

I realize that there is corruption in every city and state in this country. Granted. No argument. But I want my corruption done the right way. If you're going to steal money, I want you to impress me. I want to think, "Man, those guys are geniuses." I want an underground network, I want hacking, I want several levels of government.

Instead, I live in Alabama. Where a town can go bankrupt because the chick taking everyone's water and sewer bill money just pockets it. And the city has lost $500,000 before anyone notices it's gone. And no one notices her new pool, new house, new car, and new ATV with the same husband who runs a lawn-mowing business. Really people. Let's think a second, huh?

Or better yet, a school can continuously lose money because of embezzlement by a teacher. Who's also a preacher. And you can take proof to the school, and they'll tell you he can't possibly be doing it. Because he's a preacher. And that's it. End of story.

I know I sound bitter. And maybe I am a little bit. Because it's not about the corruption. I can deal with that. I can understand that some people are greedy and people are going to steal and cheat and do whatever they need to do to get ahead in the world. My problem is that down here, it's accepted. The woman that bankrupted the town spent 3 months in jail and never paid back the money. She still lives in the town with her nice house and all of its amenities. The preacher is still preaching,teaching, and being allowed to handle money. No one cares. Everyone knows someone. Everyone grew up together and is related to everyone else, and will cover for each other. The city embezzler's related to the mayor. The thieving preacher is related to the school superintendent. Nothing changes. And when you try to make a change, no one will help you. Because they don't want to offend anyone. It's Southern hospitality gone horribly wrong.

I don't mind corruption. But I want people to fight back. I want people to care. I want there to be repercussions, I want the thieves to have to work. I want them to be clever. I want fake utility worker uniforms, I want master plans, I want high-tech. At this point, I'd settle for the simple use of software at any point in the plot. Hell, use a cell phone! Blog about it! Use software to skim fractions of cents off of profits! something. something vaguely interesting. please.


Blogger Tom said...

Also, Alabama doesn't have vehicle inspection laws. Massachusetts, on the other hand, home of the greatest tax-payer swindle this century, affectionately known as "The Big Hole In The Ground That Soemtimes Collapses," requires that I pay twenty five bucks every year to make sure my truck meets emissions standards.

I'm all for cleaner air. But wtf am I paying for certification on a brand new car when some Southern yokel can drive his 1967 Ford Rustbucket to his hearts content with nary a thought to the environmental consequences?

Tue Aug 15, 10:46:00 AM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

They should pay me $25 a year to live here. Period.

Also, I think they've given up on the environment around here. Based on the temperature today, I'm pretty sure that we're situated directly beneath a hole in the ozone layer. We're the ants in God's magnifying glass. It's too late for environmentalism. :-p

Tue Aug 15, 11:47:00 AM PDT  

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