Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weee are the Champions, my friiiends

The MCAT is over (also, I'm a little bit buzzed and have the hiccups.) Life as I know it can resume. I plan to immediately plunge myself into works of fiction, extensive catching-up conversations with my friends, and more movies than you can shake a stick at. I'm back baby ;)

So, I'm sure you're all wondering about the MCAT itself. The past times I've taken it, I've spent the whole day taking the test, finished, and proceeded to convince myself not to commit suicide. It hasn't gone well. I always get into a big funk about how I should have studied more and it's my fault I didn't do well and all that jazz. Let me tell you a little somethin' about today. Today....I kicked MCAT ass. Or at least I feel as though I did...which for an exam that takes about 4-6 weeks to score, is as good as doing it. Regardless of what I make, I know I studied my hardest, I did my best, and in the end (for the first time) I feel as though it paid off.

I actually knew the physics equations I needed for the physical sciences section. I knew how to use them to get an answer that (for once) was actually an option in the multiple choice. (Always a good sign.) The verbal section is never a problem for me, but today it seemed really really simple. I sucked it up on the essays (mainly for a lack of effort) and tried very hard not to use an episode of "The Simpsons" as my concrete example for the principle presented in the topic. Really, "The Simpsons" can be used for anything. It's great.

And then came the biological sciences. The point in the exam when I realized that my life, my struggle, my third time taking the MCAT all had a purpose. I still don't know what that purpose was/is, but I think it was all part of some strange and circuitous route that God wanted me to take. Because then he delivered the Biological Sciences section unto me. The past two times I've taken the MCAT, the Bio. section (despite including questions on my major) has figuratively taken me behind the woodshed. Mainly because both times I'd taken it, my test had been heavily weighted toward the organic chemistry side (also included in the bio section) rather than the biology with which I'm more comfortable. Today, of the 11 passages of the bio section, 9 were actually biology. 9. This is what happens when you got to church people. I had an entire passage. AN ENTIRE PASSAGE! Based solely on what I do at work. Completely something that I am good at and fully understand every component of. I almost laughed aloud during the MCAT...I just wanted to yell at the test.."I GOT YOU NOW!" I also have a little medical condition (and no it's not contagious)...upon which an entire passage was based. "What symptom will this give?" Well, I'll tell ya, cause I've got it. A-frikkin-mazing.

So, I think I did well. But if I didn't, I'm okay with that too. Scores are back sometime in October I think...until then I'm going to revel in my assumed victory. ;) Also, I'm leaving in 9 hours for Boston. Today is a kickass day.

Back on the 27th!!


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