Problem Solving
I worked from 6 AM yesterday until 4 AM today. Needless to say, I woke up this afternoon with no intention of going in to the office. So, I'm lounging around in my pajamas contemplating food and a glass of water. Open the fridge. Nothing there. No beverages of any kind. (Well, I have some beer, but I'm not one of those people that can wake up and start drinking on an empty stomach. Also, MCAT is the day after tomorrow. Let's save what few brain cells I have left, shall we?) So, plenty of food in the freezer, nary a drop to drink. My tap water is cloudy with what I assume to be contaminants and sediment (plus it tastes bad- yes I already tried to drink opaque water), so that's out. I have a half a Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, which would be appealing, except it came that way. I opened the 12 pack of soda, and when it was over, there was one can that was kind of dented and only half-filled with liquid despite its unopened status as an individual can. Needless to say, I'm afraid of it and so it will continue to sit in my refridgerator taunting me with its vanilla-y goodness. (No, I will not throw it away any time in the near future. Why? Because the solution to not having to take out the trash is not contributing to the buildup of garbage. If things stay in the refridgerator (which never gets full because most of my food is frozen), my trips to the dumpster are greatly reduced. It's called strategery, people.) Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty.
I just ordered a pizza. Because it's the only way I can think of to get someone to deliver a beverage to my door. What can I say? I'm a problem-solver. ;)
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