Drawing a Blank.
Because I work in the medical field, quality assurance is a pretty big priority. We're under constant scrutiny from the higher-ups on documentation of every last single tiny thing that happens anytime we're working. Which I understand. I really do. QA is necessary, and they probably prevent me from getting sued a lot. And that's totally something I can get behind. The question is, why do you have to be so stupid about it? Is that part of the required personality for the job? That you can't think outside of the blanks? That if there isn't an N/A in the space, you actually believe with every fiber of your being that something important actually belonged there? Do you really think that I would forget to write that the patient had a third arm or that their kidney was covered in a fine layer of mold?
News flash: I wouldn't. If there is a section for additional comments, and I didn't write anything, there's nothing to be said. I don't think I need to repull this chart from months ago to assure you that I didn't want to comment on anything additional. Additional. As in, "in addition to"...as in bonus material. As in, "I'm not required to write anything in that blank for the love of God leave me alone before I chase you around this office with a 2x4."
I'm okay with you needing me to fill in a blank. I'm just not okay with the lack of independent thought. And lack of effort. I had notes this morning to recopy some lab results that I'd hole-punched through the identifier. The number looked familiar, but we do a lot of cases and they all start to look the same. So I found the information, made the necessary copies, punched the holes, pulled the chart, and went to add the information. Pulled out the pages they'd marked with post-its for replacement. When I pulled them out, I found the new copies that I'd already made last time they asked me about this case. Turns out I had already gone to the trouble of fixing this particular chart. They just hadn't gone to the trouble of removing their post-its and jumping off of my back.
I frikkin' hate QA.
thats a funny mental image
you running around the office chasing people with a 2x4
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