Sometimes stuff is really hard. I can do anything academically, or organizationally but give me something emotional to deal with, and I'm totally messed up. I never know how to handle things, so I just leave them alone. But then they fester and come back up, which many times is a good thing because I shouldn't have left them alone in the first place. But when they come back, it seems like it may have been easier to deal with it in the first place. It's too bad that I'm such an emotional "insert Bridget Jones' Diary word here." Some of you will know what that was supposed to be. I sometimes wonder if I have a certain GI disease exacerbated by stress, because when stuff like this happens- always emotional mind you, I can stress out for days on school and work and feel fine- my stomach ties in knots and I just want to puke for hours. (Attractive, huh?) Well, I just wanted to vent but now I'm going to lie in my bed and feel bad because that's what emotional "Bridget again" do. Laters.
Labels: Friends
Cheer-up my Love!Things will get better.Just you wait and see!You have a lot going for you, you under estimate yourself too much, know that you are worth more, and let that be enough.Don't want for what you don't have, instead want for the things that you have, and you will never have another want again!Time is too short to spend yearning for something that lies too far from the door step to grab, instead, lunge at the milk man, he is always close by!Well, Cheerio!
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