I know that’s like saying ‘water is wet’ but I can’t help myself. Now, Seacrest bashing is already a well covered topic. Hell, it’s practically why Al Gore invented the Internet and letter bombs in the first place. I would only do this if I had something completely original to say about him. Here goes:
Ryan Seacrest is a malignant, 12 lb. tumor on the neck of humanity.
Hey, thanks for the comment. And for quoting me on your site! I'm flattered. I think you're funny too. Loved the tranquilizer line, and your fighting music theory is hilarious.
Suggestion - if you want to avoid a fight, play Tom Jones for your attacker. There's no way you can be angry once you hear 'Sex Bomb'.
No way dude...Tom would be so ashamed if someone used him to back down from a fight! If you're going to do something like that, use a U2 song. Bono is all about some peace.
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