Friday, May 06, 2005

Pomp & Circumstance

Today's the day! At 11:30 AM I will be graduating with my Master's in Public Health. Go me.

I should be happy and excited about this, and on one hand I am. On the other hand, I'm so so not. You see, the people of public health are a liberal group. We think George Bush is an idiot, we think common sense health initiatives should be funded, and we're having a hard time figuring out why religion is factoring in on our global AIDS policies. A real hard time.

My parents, on the other hand, are conservatives. Not "compassionate conservatives," not My parents are hard-core right wing nutjobs. I think I've successfully cured my little sister of that disease (yay Jessica!) but my retired military parents? No such luck. All I can do is keep my fingers crossed and steer my parents away from talking to anyone but each other.

I guess I really shouldn't worry, because my father will avoid people like the plague (very antisocial) and my mother will talk to everyone but everyone will like her. She won't start badmouthing people until we get back in the car. So, overall, I guess I should chill out. Also, I should thank God that my father is wearing a suit (albeit one that's way too small for him and causes him to look as though he's going to explode at any minute) and not his customary Bush-Cheney t-shirt, camouflage hat, unabomber sunglasses combo. Yay for that. :) So, going to try to tame my hair...then graduation, then a lot of partying. A LOT of partying. WOO!! Laters!


Blogger Brad said...

Every job I've ever had has either been in state government or some form of social work, and it's always so refreshing to be surrounded by progressive-minded people. My dad used to be as liberal as they come (I grew up in a solar powered home drinking goats milk and eating organically grown vegetables before it was cool), but now he's slipping down into the depths of conservitism (of the Libertarian variety).

I guess he could just be getting senile. It's kinda hard to tell the two apart.

Have fun tonight!!!

Fri May 06, 08:46:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Tom said...

what's that quote, "if you're a liberal at thirty you have no heart, if you're a liberal at forty you have no brain" ? something like that about liberals. churchill said it, but I never understood those crazy british.

happy graduation. congrats.


Fri May 06, 10:30:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap, girl, I thought that was tomorrow. CONGRATULATIONS! We're going out for sushi soon. On me.
And i got you a card. Will be delivered with the sushi.

Fri May 06, 06:19:00 PM PDT  

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