Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Tennis, anyone?

In the quest to find exercise that I actually enjoy doing, a friend and I began tennis lessons today. Today's lesson: Anna Kournikove I'm not. My friend and I decided to take lessons from this guy who C's friend had recommended. So, we called him and turns out he'll give us a cut-rate since C's friends with his other client. Sweet. Other sweet part of the deal? He's apparently hot and foreign...with a cute accent. So of course I said sign me up.

First lesson was this morning. I felt pretty prepared. I had my tennis racquet. That's right. I own a tennis racquet. I was actually pretty proud of the racquet because I found it in a dumpster during freshman year of college still in its wrapping. What luck! Yeah right. So we get there this morning, I'm wandering around with C and my racquet looking for our instructor. Here he comes. He's tall...he's He's totally not handsome. At all. He did have a cute little accent though. Still. Not what I bargained for. Whatever though. Then, we walk to the court, and I have my racquet out, and C has her racquet she borrowed from the club. He looks at me and says, "You can't use that racquet." I said, "Why?!?" thinking there was some racquet-discrimination going on because mine wasn't from "the club." Yeah. Again no. "Um...because that's a baby racquet." Huh?!?? "That racquet is for like a really small child." Nice. So, my dumpster-diving did not get me a free racquet. It got me free humiliation. What a deal. :-p

We ended up splitting the hour-long lesson in half, which was cool. I apparently like to swing my tennis racquet like a baseball bat. Not cool. Hard habit to break. Also, I like to backhand with one hand (must be all those years of smackin' my bitches up) which is apparently wrong. Also, I like to launch tennis balls into space (due to my apparent lack of follow-through.) Which makes it hard for my opponent to hit them. Also makes it hard for me to get any points. So, I have a lot to improve upon. And apparently I have to buy a non-baby racquet. ;) laters!


Blogger Tom said...

hell yeah racquetball! best game ever. BLAM!

Thu Aug 25, 08:29:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it advisable to play racquetball to improve tennis technique, you think?

Thu Aug 25, 09:07:00 AM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

From what I hear, definitely not. Playing racquetball involves swinging from the wrist...whereas tennis requires that you swing your arm and keep your wrist rigid (or otherwise your racquet turns and the ball goes into space.) Daniel said that playing racquetball basically ruins you for tennis. Luckily, I'm not very good at racquetball so I'm set for are you ;)

Thu Aug 25, 12:39:00 PM PDT  

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