Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I Heart Anthony Bourdaine

Anthony Bourdain is flippin' hilarious. If you have cable, you should watch the Travel Channel on Monday nights at 9 PM central. His show is called "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations" and it makes me laugh until I hurt. He always has a couple of things that just kill me. Carolyn and I have officially designated Monday as "Anthony Bourdain night" during which I come to her apartment and watch the show with her on her nifty-keen digital cable. Gems from this week's episode in Vietnam include:

(Italicized words are him whispering to the camera...regular words are words he said to other people.)

Tony: They appear to be preparing some sort of animal in there, but I can't figure out for the life of me what it is. So, what are we having?
Guide: Hmm...what is word? Squeasel?
Tony: Ah. Sounds good. What the hell is a squeasel?!??
A Minute Later...
Tony: Here comes the meal. *takes a bite* My God! How old is this squeasel!??! I think there's a bone in mine. *Pulls a spine out of his mouth* OH! It's porcupine!! I feel MUCH better.

Later in the episode, he's trying to drink a Communist chairman person under the table and ends up hella drunk himself. Then he's told he's expected to do a dance that involves jumping over moving poles. He really doesn't think he can do it...particularly in his present state. But, he ends up making it okay and as soon as he makes it, he turns to the camera and says, "I'm Fred motha-fuckin' Astaire biyatch!" Hi-frikkin-larious I promise :)

So, this little recap has done the show no justice, but you should watch it. Really. Laters!


Blogger Brad said...

You might like Globe Trekker on PBS, especially when they've got Ian Wright hosting it. He's this crazy little English dude who is always keen to try the local intoxicating beverage (or other substance), get involved in local rituals, and see natural wonders. I thought this quote summed him up pretty well:

"In Vanuatu, we visited the most accessible volcano in the world. It erupted every ten minutes, spitting out moulting lava all over the crater. It was unbelievable - until the wind changed. A piece of lava landed two meters away from my head. And we ran like scared rabbits crying like babies. But now I wish I had a lava burn mark on my arm to boast about in the pub."

Anyway, here's the show's site:


Wed Aug 17, 06:04:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the squeasel show. Truly a riot! He has a show on FoodTV that was the predecessor to this one - Cook's Tour. Same exact concept. I guess the Travel channel stole him away from FoodTV but they are still running the show. You should try to catch it.

Mon Aug 22, 07:42:00 AM PDT  

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