Thursday, October 06, 2005

What to do

Here's my dilemna- let me know if you have any advice.
There was a guy I went to school with, really nice guy, good-looking guy, used to be a project partner in one of my classes. He used to work at a regional office of the place that I work now. When he found out I worked there, he asked me if I thought he could get a job there. I told him that if he applied, he could probably get a job since he used to work for them anyway. Well, he never applied, I graduated, end of story.

Then, about a month ago I had to go to some stupid lecture for la clase de espanol. And guess who's there too? The guy. He waits outside for me, we stand around talking for over an hour. Again he brings up the job. I tell him that we're looking for people and that if I recommend him I can guarantee him a job. He says great, I say great, la la la. So I go to my boss, tell him that this guy will be calling him and that he should hire him. He says for the guy to fax him an application and they'll get him hired. I relay this information via email to the guy. Then I don't hear from him for a month. And my boss doesn't hear from him. And I think, "Hmmm. Well, I guess I'm glad he didn't apply because I don't want to be responsible for having recommended someone unreliable."

Then yesterday, he emails me. And it's all happy-go-lucky and how's Spanish and Bill Gates sucks blah blah blah, and oh yeah, did you guys hire someone or are you just mad at me because I haven't written you in so long? And herein lies my dilemna. I had sent him an email, complete with where to get the application, who to fax it to, directions to the office, and the instructions to call me if he had any questions and I gave him my phone number. Yet I heard nothing. And then he writes me asking what he needs to do. And it's not as though he didn't get my email, because his email was a reply to mine which means mine was tacked right at the bottom. Which is probably what made me so mad because I can see right there where I told him exactly what to do. So this begs the question: is he lazy, or is he stupid? Either way, I don't want to work with him. But, I'm sure he'd do a good job and he's a smart guy. So I'm torn.

Should I:
A) Ask him what part of "fill out an application, fax it to this number, call me if you have questions" he didn't understand?
B) Just don't respond to his email?
C) Respond by saying "I talked to my boss for you, just go down there and fill out an application and you'll be good to go."

Also, I'm kind of pissed because I told my boss this guy would be calling and this guy hasn't called, which makes me look bad. However, everyone I work with (particularly my boss) is unreliable and stupid, so this guy will probably fit right in. Ugh. I'm actually really just torn between A and B. Cause C is not appealing. Comments appreciated. laters :)


Blogger al justice said...

Drop the dude like a hot potato--once burned..... Taking a chance on other people is necessary, and even going beyond is sometimes desirable; however, martydom is reserved for little old ladies and football....

Thu Oct 06, 05:28:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Tom said...

step up. call him on it. choice A. you can copy and paste this next part into your email word-for-word.

why didn't you follow the directions I sent you in the email? are you lazy, or stupid? anyway, good seeing you, call me sometime! -S

something like that, you know, you can paraphrase if you don't like the wording. :-P


Thu Oct 06, 07:31:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Brad said...

You don't want to give this guy a recommendation unless you're reasonably certain he'll come through as a good worker, which it doesn't sound like you are.

This is just speculation, but the guy sounds like one of those types that just gets by on his good looks and charm. If so, you'll be doing him a favor to just ignore him. If you run into him again say "I sent you an email saying what to do back in September. When you didn't apply I figured you weren't interested."

Thu Oct 06, 09:17:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Tom said...

or, when you run into him again say "hey, you're pretty cute, what are you doing saturday?" ;)

Thu Oct 06, 11:20:00 AM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

haha...i like the suggestions. I'll write him back with something that's a mix of Brad and Tom's suggestions. "Are you stupid or just lazy? I told you how to apply, you obviously weren't interested, I can't apply for you, so I guess you've missed out."

As far as your last suggestion Tom, I used to have a little thing for this guy but now I think the only reason he ever paid attention to me was so I could hook him up with a job and that's so not hot. So, I don't really want to have anything to do with him.

Thanks for the advice!!

Thu Oct 06, 12:20:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed hummersut! Why bother replying to someone who has the social skills of a lamprey?
They'll just continue to coast along on your goodwill until you can't take it anymore, and you're forced to rip them off like a prehistoric hagfish.

Is that really who you want to spend anymore time than necessary with? Even IF they were cute?

No, I didn't think so.

Fri Oct 07, 06:57:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

Hahahaha :) Bonus points to C for creating a metaphor (or two) out of material from our freshman introductory biology class. Well played my friend. :)

Sun Oct 09, 07:40:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Stephermay said...

i'd say B - you don't want this guy's slack-ass attitude to reflect poorly on you because you recommended him. people like that piss me off. no matter how cute they are.

Mon Oct 10, 10:09:00 AM PDT  

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