Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The New Pope

Okay, it's time for the obligatory I'm-a-Catholic-we-have-a-new-pope entry. Earlier today the white smoke came up and the bells started ringing..record time for a papal election. In any event, they've decided that Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Germany will be the next pope. He's decided to be called Pope Benedict XVI. That is definitely going to take a minute to get used to. Soooo, my opinion on the choice (as if anyone cares and as if I have any kind of qualifications to have an opinon.) I'm not too thrilled about it. I called my father (a man who hasn't met a Bush-Cheney t-shirt he didn't like) and he was totally stoked saying, "That's who I wanted!" Even more of an indication that I should be afraid.

The new Benedict XVI has been described as a "traditionalist" which I don't mind. In fact, I kind of like traditionalism. I hate going to churches where they won't refer to god as "he" because it's sexist. It really screws up the songs. However, I do think that the church needs to roll with the times a little bit. Ratzinger has also been described as JPII's "hard-lined defender of church doctrine." It worries me that we have two really conservative people in two of the most powerful places on earth- the White House and the Vatican. I was really hoping we'd get someone who was traditional, but a little bit in touch with the fact that some things need to change.

I would have chosen Cardinal Francis Arinze from Nigeria. He's done a lot of work in inter-faith relations and of course, being in Africa, has seen the destruction of HIV/AIDS firsthand. I just think we needed someone from the trenches....Africa or South America (ooh, Brazil would have been great) instead of someone who's been sitting in a country chillin' ie. Germany, Italy, Belgium, etc. But that's just me. I hope he turns out okay, I'm just saying that I have my reservations.

My main problem with him, however, are that his eyes look like the emperor from Star Wars...and we all know how that turned out. Laters!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to raise two points. First, I question that the Vatican is one of the two most powerful places on earth. I'd guess the ruling seats of China, India, Pakistan, or North Korea may also be in the running. Second, who you would pick is totally irrelevant. You are not a cardinal, you have not studied and served the Catholic Church for the majority of your life, you have not dedicated yourself to its stability and health. I do think, however, that your view is typical of the "American Catholic," hungry for change, surprised the rest of the world doesn't see things as you do. The rest of the world, the rest of the Catholic world, is much more conservative though, especially in South America, home to the fastest growing Roman Catholic population.
However, do not despair, Benedict XVI is intended to assume a transitional role. He begins his reign after the death of the most popular and best-loved pope in history. Now is not a time for great reform. Instead, it is a time to recover, to reflect, and to find peace. The Roman Catholic Church was not built in a day, nor will it change in a day. That Benedict XVI may serve ten years is not unlikely, a decade that may encourage a return to tradition, a call to a stronger morality, a move to a hard line,as some in the news media have called it. Perhaps it will be a time to strengthen the Church as a whole, instead of trying to appease a small faction. It will also be a time for the College of Cardinals to study the pressing issues of the modern Church. Two days is not nearly enough time to choose a leader that will deal with the AIDS epidemic or the role of women in the Church, or the lack of new vocations, especially in the United States. There should be research and much debate among the leaders of the Church and their followers. I hope the reign of Benedict XVI will be fertile soil for such discourse.

And who knows, he's only been pope for a few hours; He may just surprise us.

Tue Apr 19, 06:05:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

I would like to point out a couple of things. Firstly, I'm sorry that you don't think the Vatican is one of the most powerful places on earth. But I guarantee you that if Benedict XVI all of a sudden came out and said that condoms were okay, the world would be a different place. To me, that's pretty damn powerful. I'm not saying that he should, but the fact that he could and all of a sudden millions of people around the world would start having protected sex without fear of divine retribution is a lot to comprehend. Which leads to my next point. I didn't say that he should go around and plead the case for sin. I just said I would have liked to have someone who has had firsthand experience with some of the problems the world is facing. It's easy to sit there and say that Africa is dying of AIDS and America is chock full of self-absorbed sinners. But, in order to help these people, bring them into full communion with the church, I think it would be better to have someone who identifies with their plight. Which leads to my final point. You are at "A Caffeinated Place." You are not visiting the NY Times, you are not visiting Reuters, and you are not visiting CNN. You are at my personal blog which included a disclaimer on the fact that I am not an expert on the subject. So, don't come to my blog and tell me that I don't have a right to an opinion and then leave your comment anonymously. I enjoy open dialogue. That's why I enable comments. But the fact that I post my opinions openly for people who'd like to discuss them is something that I don't have to defend. They are my OPINIONS. Also, I hope that you're right...that's why I said my opinions were merely "reservations." I want him to be fabulous, and I don't think he's going to drive the church into a brick wall even if he is extremely traditional. I believe in the guidance of the Holy Spirit on these matters, and I know it'll all turn out okay. So, that's about all I had to say. As you said, he's only been pope a few hours and I hope he proves me wrong. laters!

Tue Apr 19, 06:18:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Tom said...

wow. way harsh sam. way harsh.
you really let that guy have it. or that girl. whatev. Me? I agree with you. It's a powerful place. I also agree with Anon up there, it's not one of the two most powerful, but that might just be a point of rhetoric.

and I don't think Anon said you didn't have a right to your opinion, I think he/she/it was just expressing theirs. is that right Anonymous? Beuller? Beuller?...

also, which olp song is that from anyway. I've been wracking my brain for the "caffeinated place" lyric but don't recognize it.

peace out. homies.


Tue Apr 19, 08:55:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

Didn't mean to be harsh...I actually agreed with Anon for awhile there...I just don't like being told my opinions are irrelevant on my own blog. But that's just me.
The title of the blog comes from "Shaking" off the "Clumsy" album. Although the lyric is disputed...some say caffeinated bliss, some say caffeinated place...when I'm belting it out at the top of my lungs it's place, so that's what I'll go with.
Also, I love that you say "whatev." I say that a lot...to the great chagrin of at least one of my friends. :) laters!

Tue Apr 19, 09:14:00 PM PDT  

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