My Boss = Moron
I work in a job procuring tissue for transplant. We mostly work at night because that's when operating rooms are less busy with live patients and we can have a room. So tonight I go into work and start packing a cooler in the tissue stockroom to go on a case. We have a whiteboard in that room. Someone had written "Have a Good Day!" on the whiteboard. Whatever. Under it, our boss wrote "Tissue = night. Have a good night!" followed by his initials. I laugh, because the message is really stupid. And I point it out to my co-worker who replies, "You think that's stupid? The man wrote it in permanent ink on the whiteboard." Sure enough, it won't rub off. I laughed so frikkin' hard. What an idiot.
So our whiteboard will forever have "Tissue = night. Have a good night! (boss' initials)" written in the middle of it. My co-worker suggested that someone write "(boss' initials) = short bus" but neither of us were brave enough to do it :) Would have been funny though. God my boss is an idiot.
In other news, someone keyed the word "Herpes" into the car of one of my co-workers. I think that is the most cowardly thing ever. Don't key cars. If you're mad at someone, pick a fight with them, yell at them, throw a kiwi or a fishbrick at them, but don't key their car. As my co-worker said, "Just have some balls! Or if you're a lady, grow a damn ovary! Whatever it takes! Damn!" hahaha... Good night all :)
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