Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Go buy the new Our Lady Peace release "Healthy in Paranoid Times." Now. It is absolutely AWESOME. My friend got it for me as a birthday gift (yay thanks!!) and I've been listening to it non-stop ever since. It's insanely addictive. It's not OLP's greatest album, but it's certainly not another "Gravity" either. The lyrics in the album focus a lot on social justice and the apathy that exists around the topic, but there's also a lot of hope in the songs. They're really awesome. Any album that can rock out, then make me cry a little bit, then rock out some more is pretty high on my list. The CD I got also contains a DVD on the flipside that has a little "making the album" documentary. The guys in the band said that if they got chills listening to a song, they knew it was good. I think it was a good indicator. The CD only has one song that I'm not absolutely addicted to already, and I'm sure I'll be addicted to it pretty soon.

I will give a more detailed song-by-song description if requested, but I don't want to bore my less OLP-minded readers :) Go buy the album. Even if you're not an OLP fan. Or if you want to try before you buy, go to iTunes or some other music download site and listen to Angels/Losing/Sleep. Easily the best song on the album. But it's a good indicator of the record's vibe. There's even a song about GW Bush! Can't beat that with a big wooden stick. Laters! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam, you should also get the newest Oasis album "Don't Believe The Truth" because it is great. And you would def. like it. Because it's great.

Thu Sep 01, 07:10:00 AM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

I'll check into it...I do like Oasis a lot. Thanks!! :)

Thu Sep 01, 07:23:00 AM PDT  

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