Closing Ceremonies
So I don't think I've blogged about it, but I watched a lot of the winter olympics. And last night I watched the closing ceremonies. Which were ridiculous. And bizarre. Please, can someone explain to me why "YMCA" was played at the Olympics? And danced to, far too enthusiastically, by a bunch of Italians dressed as pilots? Also, what is it with these people and fire? They had people skating around with their heads on fire, and some other dudes who had spinning fireworks strapped to their backs. Bi-zarre.
Also strange, but also vaguely amusing, was the appearance of the mystery sloganeer. The guy who jumped out of the athlete section, grabbed the mic from some Olympic committee chairman guy (whose speech was boooring and bilingual), and proceeded to remind us of the host city's motto by screaming, "PASSION LIVES HERE!" into the mic. I guess he got in by wearing a jacket that made him look like he was from Germany and walking in with the athletes. Gutsy. Hella stupid, but gutsy.
Then they transferred the Olympic flag to the next host country...Canada. Woo Canada! Any nation that recognizes the greatness of Our Lady Peace is my kind of country. The mayor of Turin was supposed to hand the flag to the mayor of Vancouver. Apparently they were trying to find a way to get around this tradition since the mayor of Vancouver is wheelchair-bound. Instead, the mayor of Vancouver said that he wanted to have the flag handed to him so they outfitted his wheelchair with a flag-holder-thingie (yes, that is the technical name for it) so they could just slide it right in there and he'd get to wave it all around and everything. It was great. Yay Canada :) Also, is it just me or has Avril lost her edge? She's become very blonde and non-raccoon-eyed. Strange.
My final observation on this stupid, really rambly and random post has to do with the Olympic rings. According to some website which I'm too lazy to go back and find and link,
The Olympic rings represent the union of the areas - the Americas, Africa, Asia, Oceania and Europe and the meeting of athletes throughout the world at the Olympic Games.
Which just leaves me wondering, what about Antartica? It's a giant landmass. It has constant winter weather. Penguins would dominate at the winter Olympics. The only problem would be getting them to the games....that would be one long-ass march.
LOL. Ok so your blog is the first one I have come across that didn't make me skip to the next after reading the first sentence. I guess the sarcasm in your writing reminds me of my own :)
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