Thursday, February 09, 2006

And the meme rolls on...

John tagged me....although my name is not actually "Chick from Alabama" So here goes:

Four Jobs I have Had
1. Survey Research Coordinator: Basically a telemarketer for science. Yes, I'm aware that doesn't make it right.
2. Student Research Assistant: Gave immunosuppressed mice cancer and radiation all day. Then cleaned up after them. Boy, that job was a winner.
3. Tissue Proc;urement Technician: Human tissue, surgery, many sleepless nights....good times.
4. Organ Transp.lant Coordinator: I start Monday. All I know is that it involves life, death, and helicopters. Let the good times roll! :-p

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
1. I Heart Huckabees. My favorite movie. Hands down.
2. Braveheart. Used to be my favorite movie. Before Mel went all psycho-Taliban.
3. Almost any Disney movie...particularly The Little Mermaid and Aladdin.
4. 50 First Dates. Cause it's really super-cute and I'm a hopeless romantic dork.

Four Places I Have Lived
1. California
2. Hawaii
3. Chicago
4. Stupid Alabama

Four TV Shows I Love (or have loved)
1. Medium. Yes, I know the husband is whiny and never believes her. I don't care.
2. Jack and Bobby. I rue the day they cancelled it. Because I did so love that show.
3. Any incarnation of Law and Order. Especially SVU. That entire cast rocks my socks off.

Four Places I Have Vacationed
1. Chicago
2. Washington, DC
3. Chicago
4. Wow....I take really lame-ass vacations.

Four of My Favorite Dishes (i'm going to change this to basic elements of dishes because I can't cook so really these things taste better before I turn them into "dishes".)
1. Squash
2. Spinach
3. Potatoes
4. I honestly don't care this much about food. I'm a most cases, taste isn't a big deal.

Four Sites I Visit Daily (other than email, news, work, etc.)
1. Bloglines...because I'm subscribed to like 20 blogs.
2. Slate Magazine
3. Tom
4. Our Lady Peace fansite (yes, I am that obsessed.)

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now
1. Asleep. Stupid 6:30 AM phonecalls.
2. Boston. Even though I've never been there, it's definitely moved high on my list of places to visit.
3. Chicago. Because I miss it.
4. Anywhere other than Alabama.

Four (i mean, three) People I am Tagging
1. Daniel
2. Carolyn....get a blog for cripes sake!
3. I don't know anyone else who hasn't put this on their blog already. If you're reading this and you haven't done this, do it, put your name in the comments, and I'll tag you later :-p


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All right. All right. Since my school now has wireless, I will blog from school, where I can pretend I'm blogging for work, so I can pretend I have a real job, so I can pretend I'm a productive human being.

Thu Feb 09, 02:08:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear sam,

I am interested to know how someone who has lived in places like cali, hawaii, and chicago ended up in alabama.

love, adina

Fri Feb 10, 01:52:00 PM PST  
Blogger mance01 said...

Dear C: I want to believe you. I really do. But you have promised me blogging before. I'll believe it when I see it :-p

Dear Adina: I am a military brat...but my Mom's from we moved here when she retired. Stupid Alabama.

Fri Feb 10, 07:31:00 PM PST  

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