Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It's Time for Another Good Idea/Bad Idea

Good Idea: Doing laundry. So you can stop being overdressed all the time.
Bad Idea: Talking to strangers in the laundromat.

I was standing around at the laundromat doing my laundry and listening to my iPod. Random Guy walks in and grins at me.

RG: "Hey, how are you?"
Sam the Pathological Smiler: "Great, how are you?"
RG: "Good."
I go back to laundry and iPod.
RG: "What are you listening to?"
SPS: "I'm embarassed to say."
RG: "Well, now I have to know."
SPS: "Umm. The Dixie Chicks."
aaand i hang my head in shame...even though I freely admit i love almost the entire album.
RG: "The new album?"
SPS: "Mmmhmm."
RG: "It's gotten great reviews, I hear it's good."
SPS: "It is. I love it."
Then he launched into a conversation about music and how he's going to the 9-inch nails concert tonight for free...I tell him that's great, lucky him. He says he's glad they were free because he'd already spent a bunch of money on tickets to Fiona Apple.
SPS: "Ooh. I love Fiona Apple. Where's she playing?"
RG: "A small place in Atlanta. Have you heard the bootleg version of her album?"
SPS: "No, is it good?"
RG: "Oh yeah, it's great. You should check it out."
SPS: "Cool, I will. Thanks."
And then RG leaves.
When he leaves, I think that he may have been flirting with me. And then I think, no, you live in the South. People are friendly here. Maybe he was just being friendly.
When he comes back he brings me a burned copy of the Fiona Apple CD.
With his name and number on it.
I have no radar for this crap whatsoever.

Good Idea: Parking close to the pump at the gas station.
Bad Idea: Parking so close that when you open the door you dent it on the metal protector thingie.

I have scratched/dented my poor truck no less than 3 times today. Myself. No wonder the thing isn't working that well. It hates me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a CD buyer. I either burn CDs or steal them from my friends when they're not looking (sorry friends!) But I am seriously considering buying the new Dixie Chicks albulm just to show that I still love them.

I saw Fiona Apple in concert a few weeks ago. She flails her arms in such a hysterical and frightening way, it makes you think she is having a seizure and a tantrum and is being possessed by the devil all at the same time. I love her voice though.

aaand if you weren't seeing my friend (hi tom!), i would totally encourage you to call RG. How cute is it that (1) he likes Fiona Apple and (2) has a burned copy of her latest bootleg CD and (3) gives it to you with his (4) name and number. Even if it is just his latest pick up line. Because that is one good pick up line. so basically i'm saying to hell with what's his face (hi tom!) and call RG! i'm only sort of joking...

Wed Jun 07, 07:31:00 AM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

haha...i'm sure Tom appreciates that sentiment. :-p

The Dixie Chicks CD is really good. You should get it :)

Wed Jun 07, 09:04:00 AM PDT  

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