Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Scene: I'm in the command center...which is a large room off the main entrance at my office. The room has lots of glass windows so you can see people that walk in and is pretty much where all the action takes place. (So basically, it's the room you avoid if you don't feel like working.) One of the other female coordinators (R) and I are sitting in the command center fielding calls and the receptionist intercoms in and says there's someone out at the desk that wants to meet us. Oftentimes recipients will come into the office and ask to meet us and thank us. So, we assumed this guy was a recipient. We were soo soo wrong.

Crazy Guy: Hi, I'm Joe.
R: I'm R, I'm a coordinator.
Me: Samantha, also a coordinator.
dude has the clammiest. handshake. ever.
CG: Well, I just applied for a job here and wanted to come over and get some face time.
Me: Really? What did you apply for?
we have no openings.
CG: Preservation job.
R: Oh, so you'll actually be over in the lab.
CG: Really? What would I actually be doing?

So R launches into a description of what he'd be doing..blah blah blah. I'm looking for a way to kind of wander off since I'm not talking anyway, but the dude is totally staring at me. R's talking, but he's looking at me. So I'm just looking around the room.

CG: What were your names again?
R: R.
Me: I'm Samantha
CG: That's a beautiful name...oh, R is too.
Me: Thanks
oh my god why is he still staring at me.
R: Well, sorry there's no one else here to talk to. Everyone's at the beach til tomorrow.
hint, hint...leave
CG: I just got back from the beach! I was at a crawfish boil/zydeco party. Have you ever zydecoed?
again, staring straight at me.
Me: Um, no?
CG: Oh, it's a ton of fun. I'll have to teach you sometime.
Me: ---
CG: Trust me, it's the most fun you can have standing up.
did he just make a sexual joke within 5 minutes of meeting me??!
And then he winks at me.
oh my god did he just wink at me?!??
Me: Okay, well it was nice to meet you.

R and I meet back up in the command center a minute later and everyone's coming in there asking who the random guy was. I ask what zydeco dancing is. I'm informed it's a pretty intimate dance...one coworker described it as "the kind of dance that will shine your beltbuckle."

Aaand I just threw up in my mouth a little. Creepy 40 year old men. Ugh.


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