Monday, October 23, 2006

"I choose vodka. And Chaka Khan."

So the results are in. And after 4 years, countless hours of studying, the never-ending sinking feeling in my stomach urging me to turn off the television and pick up the physics textbook, and 8 hours of test-taking?

I made the exact same score that I made when I took the MCAT four years ago. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. And most likely, do not go to medical school. So, either I have learned nothing in four years, or I have learned the exact amount that I'd forgotten in all that time out of undergrad. I did kick butt in the biology section, but that was just enough to compensate for the fact that with my physics score, I've begun to doubt whether I understand the meaning of velocity. Or what gravity does. Also, it means that four years ago when I seriously undertook the crafting of a well-written and meaningful essay filled with thoughtful arguments and insightful ideas...that pretty much worked as well (read: exact same score) as the essay in which I used a moral dilemma faced by Homer Simpson as an example. I've begun to wonder whether people actually read MCAT essays. I'm pretty sure they're scored by drunk monkeys throwing darts at a random assortment of letters.

So, all in all...not good. Not good at all. But I'm trying to look on the bright side. I'm going to pub trivia with a bunch of my friends tonight. I could stay home and be depressed, but I refuse. Rather I am going to go out with many people that I love, and get drunk. Really really drunk. Laters.


Blogger craziasian said...

i'm sorry sam.

Tue Oct 24, 02:19:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

S'okay :)

There's still the Philly D.O. school ;)

Tue Oct 24, 02:33:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Amaya said...

A Bridget Jones quote - I love it!

Wed Oct 25, 08:28:00 AM PDT  

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