Tuesday, April 19, 2005


It's possible that my trip to China could become a trip to both India and China. How cool would that be?!? One of my friends is going to be in India for his job for a couple months, and his boyfriend wants to go visit him while he's over there this summer. I want to go visit my friend in China, but I really don't want to take a 24 hour flight alone. Solution? Go together! Then we could entertain eachother on the plane, and we could each see two countries instead of just one. The only issue is that my friend in China is extremely homophobic. But, I can't see him being mean to anyone. Ever. So, I don't know. Also, I don't know whether I want my other friend there when I go to China because the guy I'm going to visit is really really shy and not the same when he's around people he doesn't know. I'll have to figure something out. For now, passport. And pants. :) Laters!


Blogger Tom said...

do it. def. india. it will be great.

Tue Apr 19, 08:56:00 PM PDT  

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