Samantha is a bad person
I went to bed at 11:30 PM last night. There was no grueling staying-up-all-night-must-finish-paper-night-before-it's-due. No. There was more like a Samantha-ate-too-much-pizza-must-sleep-off-pizza-induced-haze kinda night. Also, my bottle of Gatorade that I had put in the freezer yesterday morning finally thawed out somewhere around 1 AM when I woke up for my nightly "I'm so thirsty" escapade. Can I tell you? There is nothing better than some Gatorade slush. That stuff was SOO frikkin' good. I wish I hadn't chugged it in the middle of the night. I also wish I hadn't chugged it because chugging that much ICE COLD LEMONADE in the middle of the night gave me serious heartburn. On top of the heartburn I already had from my order of cheesesticks and my half a pizza I consumed. God I'm such a dumbass sometimes.
So, I woke up at 5 AM to start my paper. Because I'm a bad person. I'm almost done though, so that's good. I just feel bad for my advisor because she has to read the stupid thing today. I'll feel worse for me if my advisor isn't going to be in today. In short, because I will be screwed and unable to graduate. Suckage. We'll see how it goes. Okay, must finish paper. Laters!
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