I wish I had superpowers. If I had superpowers, I would use them right now to stop time, because I. Am. Tired. Sooooo tired. I worked like a frikkin' dog all weekend. Memorial day was merely a tick of the OR clock for me. I lost hours and hours of sleep. And I haven't gotten to sleep in since. And I don't feel good. Right now, I would love nothing more than to turn on a movie, crawl into my bed, and halfheartedly watch as I slowly drift into sleep. But no. Instead I am stressing, trying on every single thing in my closet in a desperate attempt to find ONE NICE OUTFIT. Why do I have none?!?!? I have 3 suits. Only one of them fits. The blazers on the other too are way too big for me.
I'll be attending a townhall meeting on Global AIDS policy tonight. And I really really really want to bail. I don't feel good. I'm tired. I hate meeting and talking to people. Unngghhh. But. I must go. The success of the conference shocked everyone, including PHR, and now we're meeting with one congressman and staff from the two senators' offices, and the president of the university, and people from PBS and the newspaper are coming. Unnggghhh. Sooo not wanting to go to this. Anyways. So, I'm off to the shower. And then to cocktail/dinner nightmare. More later I'm sure. Laters.
PS- 5 days to OLP single! Yay!!
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