So the job search is finally over. Beginning February 13th, I will be a full-time employee. Woo! All at once this is the most awesome and terrifying thing ever. Awesome because it's a job that I think I'll enjoy, it's something that I'll be good at, it comes with health insurance, and it will stop my parents from calling everyday asking "Did you find a job yet? Did you find a job yet? Did you find a job yet?" FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YES I DID LEAVE ME ALONE.
On the other hand, I broke into a cold sweat reading the new job description. You see, in my current position, my patients are already dead. Makes it pretty hard to screw up. In the new position, not so much. My mistakes suddenly have ramifications. Ramifications that keep people on dialysis. Ramifications that keep people in the hospital. Ramifications that kill people. I am afraid. Very very afraid. Granted, I'm heavily supervised for the first year (thank God) but still. I don't want to touch anything.
I'm sure it will turn out okay...I've been working with the same people for 4 years...they're not going to let me mess up too badly. But just in case, keep your fingers crossed...and try not to sustain any massive head injuries. Laters!
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