Sweet Sweet Success
I have been scrambling trying to get people to come to this PHR conference, and it finally appears to have paid off. We have 250 people registered to attend. 50 more people and we have a full house, and if those 50 come from UAB, we will have met the goal of having an even number of UAB students versus everyone else. I can not tell you how much of a load this is off my mind. The conference is going to be over soon and I'll be able to breathe again. National Public Health Week (NPHW) is coming up shortly after that which will be another complete stresser, but at least I'll have a functional team working on that. The PHR committee consisted of a few select people that did stuff, and then a bunch of people that just wanted to come to the conference for free. Is it reallly that much of a financial burden to pay $15 to attend a conference- especially when it feeds you all day? I can not wait for the weekend of the conference. It is going to be great, we're going out afterward, and then the PHR people are taking me to see the Chieftains (celtic folk band) at the Alys Stephens Center on Sunday night. It is going to be one sweet, well-deserved weekend.
In other news, I won the BellBottoms party! So it's official- if you enter the contest, you will win at some point. All I have to do is pick a date and from 8-9 PM 200 of my friends can have $1 drinks. I'm thinking of picking St. Patrick's Day, or the night of the conference. C already is having one the night of the conference so I'm going to call her and see how many people she's expecting. If it's not over 100, I'll see if she minds me putting my party on the same night. It's just such a great location- if people are hungry beforehand they can eat at one of the restaurants around, if they don't like BellBottoms there are several other clubs and bars within walking distance! Perfection!!! Well, I have to get ready for class, work, meetings, the usual. :) Laters!
Go ahead and make it the night of the conference... I'm inviting the lawschool as part of law week, but somehow, I don't think
1. That 200 people will come
2. That they'll be counting heads at the door
I wanted y'all to come to mine, anyway :)
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