Tuesday, June 28, 2005


I think I'm allergic to my apartment. For the past week my eyes have been incredibly itchy, and my nose has been running, and it's been pretty miserable. So, last night I thought that maybe it would help if I left the AC turned off. Maybe that would prevent the death-laden particulate matter from circulating around the room and slowly killing me. Well my friends, no dice. I woke up this morning worse than it's been the whole week. My throat is sore and I look like my dog died. Except I don't have a dog. Unless there's one hanging out in here under all these clothes...which could be the source of all the allergies. Stupid animals. Anyways...I'm going to finish doing my laundry in the hopes of finishing the apartment cleaning and ridding myself of these HORRIBLE allergies!! Laters.

Oh, also. I heart Honda Elements. I think anyone in the car-buying market (i.e. Tom) should buy one. Cause they're pretty...and they come in 4wd, and in 4wd they're cheaper than trucks. So, um....BAM! :)


Blogger Tom said...

ok, so two things. maybe three.
first, honda elements are not pretty, they are boxy and uncool unless maybe you're a girl who likes boxes. second, trucks are cool, and you should know this because of a.) alabama, and b.) driving one. and three. animals are not stupid.


Tue Jun 28, 12:43:00 PM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

Okay, Honda Elements are pretty. Although upon further venture into their website, I would prefer a Civic Hybrid, because they're okay to look at but more importantly they get 650 miles to ONE TANK OF GAS!! Good lord that's a lot of mileage. Also, please do not look to Alabama to set your "cool" preferences. Alabama is not a "cool" trendsetter. Finally, my apartment is infested with spiders, not dogs. So, stupid spiders.

Tue Jun 28, 01:54:00 PM PDT  

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