My 100 Things List
Everyone else is doing it, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon. You should too...for my amusement :)
1. I love to write.
2. I used to think I was a kick-ass writer...until I started reading everyone else's blogs and realized that there are many many many talented and funny writers and I think they should all write books so I can read them.
3. I'm 5'8. And I think I'm really tall for a girl.
4. All of my boyfriends have been my height or shorter.
5. Based on experiences from #4, I will not date a boy who is not at least one inch taller than me. I know it's discriminatory, but I'm sorry. It's just the way it is. And in my book, the taller you are, the hotter you are.
6. I love all things Irish or anywhere near Irish-related. Accents, music, the color green, you name it.
7. I talk a lot. Constantly. Wayyy too much.
8. I am the oldest of five girls.
9. My family has two miniature poodles, Cookie and Choochoo.
10. I know the dogs' names sound really girly, but I swear my father named them (and they're both boys.)
11. I lived in Hawaii, but it was wasted on me in my youth.
12. By that I mean, I never learned to surf and I never went skinny-dipping in the ocean at night. So what was the point?!?
13. I have incredibly thick hair.
14. In 8th grade, I cut my hair from shoulder blade length to above my ears.
15. In high school, my nicknames included 'shroom and Darth Vader due to varying stages of my hair growing out.
16. They made a wig out of my hair when I got it cut off.
17. My friends think that I don't have a boyfriend because I'm too intimidating.
18. I think I am the least photogenic person on the planet.
19. I can't wait for my driver's license to expire so that it will be the right color for me to go drinking without suspicious glares.
20. I think my sisters are all supermodel gorgeous.
21. I'm 21 years old.
22. My best friend is 2 years younger than my father.
23. My mother is 6 years older than my father.
24. I have a bachelor's degree in Biology and a master's degree in public health.
25. I want to go to medical school.
26. I was too much of a slack-ass during my undergraduate years to get into med school.
27. I love historical fiction.
28. I had 15 cavities at one dentist visit.
29. I think my dentist was trying to make some money for her impending baby.
30. I am really good with children.
31. I don't ever want to have children of my own.
32. New York is my favorite city, but Chicago feels like home.
33. I was born in Oakland, California.
34. I've lived in Oakland, CA; Long Beach, CA; Great Lakes, IL; Kaneohe, HI; and Dadeville, AL. 35. I've lived in Alabama the longest, but I will never say that I'm from Alabama. (sorry AL peeps.)
36. My sisters have all picked up strong southern accents.
37. #36 hurts my soul.
38. I think toothless drag queens are scary.
39. I have put money into a drag queen's bra.
40. I have been fall-down drunk.
41. I've yet to experience a hangover.
42. I think Guinness is the best beer ever.
43. I've had a crush on one guy for 3 years.
44. He has not had a crush on me.
45. I have not been asked out on a date in over 2 years.
46. My ex-boyfriend is a felon.
47. I've never had a Caucasian roommate.
48. I desperately wish I could speak another language.
49. I don't like the way Spanish sounds. I should learn it, but I kind of don't want to.
50. I love traveling, but have never been outside of the country.
51. I'm afraid that if I go to Ireland, I'll never want to leave and when I do come back I'll be depressed the rest of my life because I'm not there.
52. I'm also afraid that if I go to Ireland, I will have built it up too much in my head, and I won't love it that much and then I'll be sad about that the rest of my life.
53. My MIA roommate and I want to live together a la the Golden Girls when our husbands die.
54. In the Catholic church, the purpose of marriage is strictly procreation. I don't want to procreate, so I'm not supposed to get married. I'm guessing we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
55. I'm Catholic, but I guess you figured that out.
56. I'm a military brat.
57. I want to join the Air Force after I get out of medical school.
58. But first I have to get into medical school.
59. I think I'm a great dancer.
60. My Dad dances all the time. I think that's where I got it.
61. Everyone says I look just like my Mom. I don't see it.
62. The only time I'm not listening to music is during class. I heart music.
63. I don't dig blonde boys.
64. I can't cook. At all.
65. I had my navel pierced, but took it out because my parents would kill me if they found out.
66. I own a guitar.
67. I play piano, flute, and xylophone. I can't play the guitar.
68. I did public speaking competitively in high school.
69. I was captain of scholar's bowl team throughout Jr. high and high school.
70. I wish colleges had scholar's bowl teams.
71. Most of my friends are boys.
72. I have a scar under my lip where I fell out of the top bunk bed onto the concrete floor when I was about 8 years old.
73. I have painted a picture using my breasts.
74. I then sold that painting at a charity auction. No one knew what brushstroke I used.
75. If you know me, keep #73 under your hat.
76. I am extremely messy.
77. I don't mind washing dishes, but for some reason I avoid it at all costs.
78. I am really really bossy.
79. My father once told me that I shouldn't need pepper spray to kick a guy's ass. I believe him.
80. I'm horrible at staying in touch with people. I never remember to write, call, or otherwise communicate on an individual level.
81. My father used to bribe me with purses. He had to throw in a lip gloss to get me to go off the high dive at swimming lessons when I was a kid.
82. I'm kind of a vegetarian... I eat fish, but not any other kind of meat.
83. I am a complete chocoholic.
84. I love to sing.
85. I like it when people underestimate me.
86. Vettriano is my favorite painter.
87. I love musicals and Bollywood movies.
88. It's my dream to be a backup dancer in a Bollywood movie. Just once. For kicks.
89. I enjoy bowling.
90. I LOVE to watch soccer games.
91. I like baseball, but only when I'm actually watching it in person.
92. I once looked up the address of a boy I liked, and then searched for his house with my roommate for 3 nights consecutively. When we found the house, I ducked and didn't even look at it for fear of being spotted.
93. I like soymilk.
94. I think Raisin Bran Crunch is the best cereal EVER.
95. I saw "The Producers" on Broadway. And I didn't like it.
96. I think Natalie Portman and Djimon Houson are the hottest people on the planet.
97. I'm secretly thrilled everytime I speak to someone and they say, "You're not from Alabama, are you? You don't sound like it."
98. I think David Sedaris is hilarious.
99. I love the Simpsons...but not the new episodes. And Our Lady Peace. All Our Lady Peace.
100. For the past 3 years, I have been the only female at my job. We just got a new girl, but she's totally not going to last....and I'm secretly glad.
70. I wish colleges had scholar's bowl teams.
They do, fact, a figure in the circuit currently attends UAB. However, he's not very good, or very intersting, and no one really likes him very much.
Also, I'm not a stalker - I swear! - I just went here from Daniel's blog to try to see where this 100 things meme came from, since I'm sorta working on one right now.
you have a stalker, you have a stalker, la la la, la la la
just kidding, you're probably not a real stalker...on the other hand, why comment anonymously, hmm?
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