Thursday, June 02, 2005

Thoughts at 1:32 AM

I worry about my sisters' abilities to spell....and now I have proof that this fear is not unfounded. Behold- the scariest email I have ever received!

hey1 what's up my babys? well r u pshcd bout chicago? i am! well look @ my profile asap becuz i got an awesome new quote!!! welll get bac 2 me!!! love ya

That's right folks. An email, that normally is composed of words, has been reduced to this. It hurts my soul. The only thing I can sympathize with is the excessive use of the word "well." I do that all the frikkin' time.

The real reason behind this post is to keep my mind off the movie I just watched. "The Notebook" was really good...not as good as the book..but good. The issue with it is that it is by far THE saddest, most sappy, make me sob my eyes out book/movie ever. The book probably made me cry even harder. However, for the past hour I've been sitting here in the dark bawling my eyes out, because sweet Jesus the end of that movie is sad. So, I'm going to stop crying and read a little bit of Foxtrot or something. If you haven't read "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks, read it. It is SOOOOOOOOO good. Really. Don't watch the movie. Cause you'll cry and it'll ruin the book for you. Unless you've read the book. Then you should watch the movie. But only if you want to cry. Anyways...g'night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

See. That's why I don't watch movies like that. Reading that book was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

And at least now you can sympathize with "Pauli".

Fri Jun 03, 09:49:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Tom said...

yes, see, me too. that's why I didn't see the movie, because I didn't want to cry. (HA! I didn't see the movie because it's all girly.)

but I hear you on "movies like that." me personally, I don't like sad movies from true stories, for example, I won't watch White Squall or The Perfect Storm.

I will however go see Lords of Dogtown because man it's awesome, and also if you haven't seen it, rent the documentary the film is based on called "Z-boys and dogtown" it's great. Stacy Peralta produced both of them so you know it's consistent.


Fri Jun 03, 11:52:00 AM PDT  

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