Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Today. Wow.

So today was an incredibly insane day. Let me preface with the fact that I have been ill since Saturday. Nothing major, just an extremely irritating cold. You know how it is, you're not really that sick but you still feel like crap so you get absolutely nothing done? That's basically been me thus far this week. But today was going to be different. I got up, did the 7:45 AM studying thing, which is becoming easier day by day. Lovely.

Then I went to play tennis, and that is where the fun begins. I couldn't get in touch with my friend that I take lessons with. (I later found out this was due to the fact that I didn't tell her when our next lesson was going to be. Sorry again C.) A few things about our tennis instructor: he is in the midst of getting a divorce, he's a few years older than us, and he's Egyptian. Nuff said. He's also very irritating. Mainly because he's always flirting with my friend..which I wouldn't mind if she was interested or he was attractive. But since neither condition is true, it tends to irritate the both of us because aside from being annoying, it also eats valuable lesson time. But today she wasn't going to be there. So I thought maybe I wouldn't have to deal with that today. Not so my friends. Instead, he starts going into all these details about his divorce. I continue to nod my head in fake empathy while continuing to hit balls, fine, blah blah blah. The issue came when later on we were playing and we have this little exchange:

Instructor: "Samantha, how old are you?"
Me: "22."
Instructor: "I am too old for you."
Me: not looking at him and continuing to hit the ball "Yes you are."
Instructor: "That is so mean!"
Me: "Well, I'm sorry, but you are."
Instructor: "I'm not too old for you. Samantha, we should go out and get drunk together. Then we should go home together and you let me bang you all night long."
**At this point my jaw falls off its hinges and I'm just looking at him as though he's lost his mind. Which he obviously has because my desire to castrate him was held in check only by the fact that I'd thrown up a little bit in my mouth.**
Instructor: "Come on Samantha, I teach you to ride the camel!"
Me: "Don't threaten me. That is so disgusting. And you smell like a camel."
Instructor: "You are so mean!"
**And I'm still reeling from the reality that all this occurred. Puke tennis instructor. Puke.**
So despite the fact that my day had begun like this, I went straight from tennis to do my usual workout with two of my friends. I guess I should preface this with, 1. Don't forget I'd been sick and 2. All I ate prior to this was a granola bar. So, we do our usual workout, but it was really hard for me today. And my friend Richard says to my other friend, "Should she be working out? She's been sick." And other friend Wil says, "Sure, it won't hurt her." Famous last words my friends. Famous last words. About two exercises later, I start to feel insanely nauseated. I call it quits for the day but I stay at the gym standing around talking to my friends and feeling a bit queasy. All of a sudden I need to sit down. Like right then. Before I completely hurled. So I go sit down and all of a sudden I go deaf and everything becomes blurry. This has happened to me once before. I was giving blood and I went deaf and blurry and I almost passed out but instead my body decided to vomit all over itself. Today was slightly different because I was conveniently located near a trash can. I almost passed out in a trashcan today people. Welcome to my life. Well, my friends went and got me some water and a cold wet towel and I started to feel better. I walked rather shakily back to the school and sat in my friend's office. Alone.
About 20 minutes later, it happened all over again. The deafness, the nausea, the blurred vision. And I thought, "This is it. This is how I die. In Richard's office. Alone." Partly because I was scared. Mainly because I was a drama queen today though. I call out for Wil, but he can't hear me...partly because he's not in his office 3 doors down and partly because I'm whispering. I wheel my chair over to the phone and call Wil. No answer. I end up getting our lovely receptionist Clint, who I love. He goes and gets me some grape juice and some crackers and I recover over the next four hours because I'm afraid to drive home before my complete recovery. Needless to say I made it home unscathed and my father called me about 35 times today lecturing me about how it was good this happened to me because I need to learn to focus my chi. Because my father thinks he's a Chinese mystic. When really he's a dude from Iowa. Go fig.
So, that was my exciting day. And now I'm exhausted. And I still haven't studied for biochem. I am a bad person. Goodnight all. :)


Blogger Tom said...

wow, that was great. what a well-written post.

hilarious. I was dying laughing the whole way through.

great post.

Thu Oct 13, 09:08:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Johnny Sapphire said...

The man was going to teach you to ride a camel. I really don't know how you passed that one up.

Thu Oct 13, 09:46:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Tom said...

ok, so was "ride the camel" a euphemism? does that need a little clarification? was that maybe the most disturbing sexual image ever? or does your tennis instructor intend to whisk you away to hot and sunny egypt and actually teach you how to ride a camel? These are questions no one should ever have to ponder.

but, while you do ponder them, have some chicken noodle soup for the cold. :)


Thu Oct 13, 11:17:00 AM PDT  
Blogger mance01 said...

"Ride the camel" was most certainly a euphemism for the most disturbing sexual image ever. Because this dude is totally gross.

And I can't have chicken noodle soup (although thanks for the suggestion)- I'm getting ready to leave for the OLP concert- WOO!! :)

Thu Oct 13, 11:22:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Tom said...


Thu Oct 13, 02:50:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn, girl. See. That's why I can't have a blog. Because I would totally reveal Cairo's name so everyone could avoid him like the plague.

Thu Oct 13, 07:52:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Brad said...

Dude, holy crap.

The nerve of some people.

Sun Oct 16, 05:58:00 PM PDT  

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