Heavy Metal
Welcome to Day One of the the three day saga. Samantha's getting fillings.
This shouldn't be a big deal. I have a ton of fillings from the dental nightmare that was my childhood since moving to Alabama. Prior to the move, I never had any dental issues. Teeth looked great, blah blah blah. Then I moved here and in one blow needed four fillings. Questionable. And the dentist told me that I was "genetically predisposed to cavities" because my mother's teeth are so bad. In retrospect, I don't remember him genotyping me, but whatever. So over the few years that we went to that dentist, I was always in need of at least a filling. Every time. Eventually my father got hip to the racket and we switched dentists.
We switched to a chick who cursed like a sailor while talking about the new baby nursery she was building. This is the dentist that replaced all the other dentist's fillings, and added some of her own. That was the summer of 15 fillings. The summer that I gave up on the dentist. So, after that, you'd think that a few more fillings wouldn't be a big deal. And you'd be correct.
I got a full night of sleep last night, unlike the nights of my childhood where I laid awake all night dreading the torture that stretched out before me. I woke up this morning and realized I was kind of looking forward to the fillings today. Know why? And this is the sad part. It's giving me an excuse to leave work. I'm leaving in about 20 minutes. I'm going to get shot in the mouth, pre-existing metal is going to be drilled and removed, and more metal will go in its place. I won't be able to feel my mouth for a few hours, and when I finally am able to close my mouth completely, I'll be tasting sand and chunks of whatever the heck they use. It will be unpleasant, and I will be hungry and unable to eat, and it will not be fun.
And yet, it still beats the pants off of sitting in my office doing nothing but being occasionally hugged by the creepy smoker guy. For the small price of an hour or so of pain and misery, I'll be rewarded with the ability to go home early, put on my pajamas, lay on the couch and watch Star Trek and netflixed movies.
Plus I can watch Gilmore Girls while he's working. It's kind of win/win. Laters!
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