Thursday, August 31, 2006


I got back from vacation on Sunday night. And it's been downhill since. Honestly, I think 7-day vacations might be a bad idea. Sure, they're awesome when you're on them, but when it's's bad. Really bad. I don't know if it was the duration, or that I had an awesome time, or that I got absolutely slammed at work when I got back, but man I do not want to be at work. I want to be on vacation. Forever.

So, I will share the details of my vacation. What will henceforth be called the best vacation ever. Because seriously, it was. Best. Vacation. Ever.

I had taken the MCAT the day before I left. Meaning that I went out with friends the night before I left. And by "went out with friends" I mean, "went to a drag show, drank way too much, stood around in cigarette smoke, and had to be carried back to the car." And did I mention that I hadn't packed yet? It was 12:30 and I had to be at the airport at 9:30 and I had packed not a thing. And I was drunk. Good stuff. So, I got home, neglected to hydrate, and instead started packing. Needless to say, when I was finished my apartment looked as though it had been ransacked. And I was too tired to put things away. And apparently too tired to drink soda and iron clothes at the same time. Because one minute I was ironing away, and the next my t-shirt was covered in brown spots. The Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper I had poured into the iron was seeping out. Take note: irons don't like soda.

So, the flight was fine...I was pretty nauseated the entire time due to my hangover/lack of sleep, but it was fine. I actually flew into Manchester, which is a nice small airport, and Tom picked me up from there. That night we went to dinner with his friends John, Lindsay, and Felecia at Legal Seafood. You can read a pretty in-depth description of our nightmare-ish service over at Tom's blog. I'll skip over it because I don't want Lindsay to have to come to Slave's defense ;) Then we went to dessert at a place called Finale. I was so stuffed from dinner that I opted to just have some of Tom's dessert, but what I had was very good. My favorite part of dessert was when John's dessert arrived. He had a death by chocolate cake and a trio of dessert wines. He took a bite of his cake, and his eyes welled up with tears. "You guys....this dessert is so good... I think I'm going to cry!" It was hilarious :) I had never seen someone so moved by chocolate. All in all, it was a good time, Tom's friends were all very nice, and it was good to be able to put faces with names. Especially John since C's mentioned him since freshman year of college. :)

Here I'm going to stop briefly and say a word about the weather. I live in Alabama. I wear tank-tops, t-shirts, and shorts/cropped pants every day from May til September. If not earlier and/or later. So, what did I pack for Boston? Tank-tops, t-shirts, flip-flops and cropped pants. I took one pair of jeans, one pair of socks, and a pair of tennis shoes. As we were landing in Manchester, the pilot comes on overhead and says "Welcome to Manchester ladies and gentleman. It's a beautiful sunny summer day, temperature on the ground, 62 degrees." 62 degrees. In August. WTF?!?? That is not a summer temperature!! It doesn't hit 62 degrees in the middle of the night here! Luckily I spent a majority of the time indoors, but still. I wore a sweatshirt in August. It's just not right people.

The day after my arrival, we went on a whale watch. I have seen whales before...I lived in Hawaii which is on the migratory route of the humpbacks, and we could see them from our backyard. But I have never been this close to a whale. We were right on top of them. We probably saw at least 10 whales. Of course, we overslept and were in a rush to make it to the boat, so I didn't take my camera but believe me. We saw them, it was awesome. Tom took pictures with his cell phone and I'll post those to my Flickr as soon as he sends them to me. (Hint hint Tom :-p ) So, whale watch, tons of whales, it was great. Afterwards we stopped at Dunkin' Donuts and got coffee. I've never been to a Dunkin' Donuts (we only have stupid Starbucks down here) and the coffee was good. Here's the thing: they put the cream and sugar in your coffee for you. And we had breakfast at another place and they added the cream for us. What's up with that? Down here, they hand you some individual creamers, a couple of packets of sweet n' low, and sent you on your way. Weird. Then we went and saw "Little Miss Sunshine" at a little neighborhood movie theatre. That Tom didn't know how to get to. We trudged around for a good 30 minutes before locating it. Trudging in a sweatshirt and flip-flops. That's right, I'm glamorous. :-p If you haven't seen "Little Miss Sunshine", go. Go now. You will not be disappointed. I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in a movie theatre. It bordered on painful. Great movie.

The next day we went to a baseball game in Maine. The Portland Seadogs. We had great seats, the weather was nice, and I didn't get hit with a foul ball. I couldn't have asked for more. Tom taught me how to keep score, so I was pretty preoccupied with that throughout the game. And then, on the way home, my Mom called and asked me who won. I couldn't remember the name of the teams, so I told her "Um, the team that we like." "Oh, that's good." When I noticed Tom was looking at me funny. "What?" "Samantha, we didn't win! We lost by a run!" "Oh, oh yeah. Mom, our team lost." So yes, I was keeping score, and yet, I had no idea who won. I was too engrossed in the individual plays to keep track of the overall outcome. At least, that's my excuse. :-p

Wednesday was Tom's little brother's birthday. So we went and played putt-putt. Just a note on minigolf: I suck at it. Really badly. But, it was fun. Also, I'm not as bad Danny. Ha! Then, we went to Sears. Tom's sister gave their Mom a family portrait package as a gift, so we went to get their picture taken. Which was amusing. Getting that many people to smile at the same time is always amusing. And I got to stand around and here stories from Tom's Mom and Grandmother. Good stuff. :) We went back to his house after that and played wiffleball and ate Jell-o cake. I didn't think I'd be very keen on a cake that was capable of that much independent motion, but it was pretty tasty. And I got two hits during wiffleball, go me :)

Thursday we helped one of his brothers move off to college. I think I carried one box. I've never had an easier time moving someone. And we put together the futon, which was no big deal. Overall, a pretty laid-back day. Hung out, watched Invader Zim (funniest cartoon ever), played ping-pong. Good times. Friday was pretty laid-back too. We were going to go to the beach, but it was raining when we got up. So, more movies, video games, hanging out on Tom's beloved couch. :)

Saturday, Tom's Dad gave us tickets to the last pre-season Patriots game of the year. I'd never been to a professional football game, but it was great. The stadium was HUGE and jam-packed full of people. Tom pointed out a lot of famous football players, but I only recognized Tom Brady. Who was amazing. Really. Threw the ball right where he wanted it. Awesome. I took lots of pictures since apparently a lot of the people were famous, but I was too lazy to go in and zoom on a lot of them. So feel free to sort through for yourself :)

The next day I flew out. And I was sad. And terrified. My first flight was supposed to hit bad turbulence according to the pilots. They even confiscated our drinks for safety reasons and made the flight attendants buckle in. Then we didn't hit any of the weather (thank God.) My second flight was supposed to be better...I'm sure thanks in no small part to the Archbishop sitting in the front of the plane. ;) I think we only landed on one wheel which was kind of rough, but we made it in one piece. So yay for that.

So now, I'm back in Birmingham. And back at work. And got slammed for 26 hours straight on Tuesday, and on call again today, and am in a pissy mood. Mainly because I'm no longer on vacation. Oh well. Back to the grind. At least I'm off Labor Day weekend. :)

Oh, and here's the link to my Flickr set for the trip. :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weee are the Champions, my friiiends

The MCAT is over (also, I'm a little bit buzzed and have the hiccups.) Life as I know it can resume. I plan to immediately plunge myself into works of fiction, extensive catching-up conversations with my friends, and more movies than you can shake a stick at. I'm back baby ;)

So, I'm sure you're all wondering about the MCAT itself. The past times I've taken it, I've spent the whole day taking the test, finished, and proceeded to convince myself not to commit suicide. It hasn't gone well. I always get into a big funk about how I should have studied more and it's my fault I didn't do well and all that jazz. Let me tell you a little somethin' about today. Today....I kicked MCAT ass. Or at least I feel as though I did...which for an exam that takes about 4-6 weeks to score, is as good as doing it. Regardless of what I make, I know I studied my hardest, I did my best, and in the end (for the first time) I feel as though it paid off.

I actually knew the physics equations I needed for the physical sciences section. I knew how to use them to get an answer that (for once) was actually an option in the multiple choice. (Always a good sign.) The verbal section is never a problem for me, but today it seemed really really simple. I sucked it up on the essays (mainly for a lack of effort) and tried very hard not to use an episode of "The Simpsons" as my concrete example for the principle presented in the topic. Really, "The Simpsons" can be used for anything. It's great.

And then came the biological sciences. The point in the exam when I realized that my life, my struggle, my third time taking the MCAT all had a purpose. I still don't know what that purpose was/is, but I think it was all part of some strange and circuitous route that God wanted me to take. Because then he delivered the Biological Sciences section unto me. The past two times I've taken the MCAT, the Bio. section (despite including questions on my major) has figuratively taken me behind the woodshed. Mainly because both times I'd taken it, my test had been heavily weighted toward the organic chemistry side (also included in the bio section) rather than the biology with which I'm more comfortable. Today, of the 11 passages of the bio section, 9 were actually biology. 9. This is what happens when you got to church people. I had an entire passage. AN ENTIRE PASSAGE! Based solely on what I do at work. Completely something that I am good at and fully understand every component of. I almost laughed aloud during the MCAT...I just wanted to yell at the test.."I GOT YOU NOW!" I also have a little medical condition (and no it's not contagious)...upon which an entire passage was based. "What symptom will this give?" Well, I'll tell ya, cause I've got it. A-frikkin-mazing.

So, I think I did well. But if I didn't, I'm okay with that too. Scores are back sometime in October I think...until then I'm going to revel in my assumed victory. ;) Also, I'm leaving in 9 hours for Boston. Today is a kickass day.

Back on the 27th!!

How to Charm Me

Wake up at 6 AM on a Saturday to call and make sure I woke up in time to take my MCAT.

(Also, I'm about to leave to take the MCAT. So, cross your fingers, say some prayers, sacrifice a chicken...I accept help from any denomination.)

Wish me luck!! I'll probably post about it later...unless I'm halfway through a bottle of tequila. ;) Woo MCAT!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Problem Solving

I worked from 6 AM yesterday until 4 AM today. Needless to say, I woke up this afternoon with no intention of going in to the office. So, I'm lounging around in my pajamas contemplating food and a glass of water. Open the fridge. Nothing there. No beverages of any kind. (Well, I have some beer, but I'm not one of those people that can wake up and start drinking on an empty stomach. Also, MCAT is the day after tomorrow. Let's save what few brain cells I have left, shall we?) So, plenty of food in the freezer, nary a drop to drink. My tap water is cloudy with what I assume to be contaminants and sediment (plus it tastes bad- yes I already tried to drink opaque water), so that's out. I have a half a Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, which would be appealing, except it came that way. I opened the 12 pack of soda, and when it was over, there was one can that was kind of dented and only half-filled with liquid despite its unopened status as an individual can. Needless to say, I'm afraid of it and so it will continue to sit in my refridgerator taunting me with its vanilla-y goodness. (No, I will not throw it away any time in the near future. Why? Because the solution to not having to take out the trash is not contributing to the buildup of garbage. If things stay in the refridgerator (which never gets full because most of my food is frozen), my trips to the dumpster are greatly reduced. It's called strategery, people.) Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty.

I just ordered a pizza. Because it's the only way I can think of to get someone to deliver a beverage to my door. What can I say? I'm a problem-solver. ;)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Give Me High-Tech

A friend and I were having a pretty in-depth discussion about the state of Alabama yesterday. We're both contemplating moving out of state, although he's not planning on leaving for a few years and my plans are of the ASAP-variety. He was trying to convince me that I don't really hate Alabama and that my reasons for leaving are less about this state and more about the need for change. And he's right...I'm definitely itching for a change of scenery, but it's more than that. Alabama really does suck. And I had quite a few examples to back this up. For instance, corruption.

I realize that there is corruption in every city and state in this country. Granted. No argument. But I want my corruption done the right way. If you're going to steal money, I want you to impress me. I want to think, "Man, those guys are geniuses." I want an underground network, I want hacking, I want several levels of government.

Instead, I live in Alabama. Where a town can go bankrupt because the chick taking everyone's water and sewer bill money just pockets it. And the city has lost $500,000 before anyone notices it's gone. And no one notices her new pool, new house, new car, and new ATV with the same husband who runs a lawn-mowing business. Really people. Let's think a second, huh?

Or better yet, a school can continuously lose money because of embezzlement by a teacher. Who's also a preacher. And you can take proof to the school, and they'll tell you he can't possibly be doing it. Because he's a preacher. And that's it. End of story.

I know I sound bitter. And maybe I am a little bit. Because it's not about the corruption. I can deal with that. I can understand that some people are greedy and people are going to steal and cheat and do whatever they need to do to get ahead in the world. My problem is that down here, it's accepted. The woman that bankrupted the town spent 3 months in jail and never paid back the money. She still lives in the town with her nice house and all of its amenities. The preacher is still preaching,teaching, and being allowed to handle money. No one cares. Everyone knows someone. Everyone grew up together and is related to everyone else, and will cover for each other. The city embezzler's related to the mayor. The thieving preacher is related to the school superintendent. Nothing changes. And when you try to make a change, no one will help you. Because they don't want to offend anyone. It's Southern hospitality gone horribly wrong.

I don't mind corruption. But I want people to fight back. I want people to care. I want there to be repercussions, I want the thieves to have to work. I want them to be clever. I want fake utility worker uniforms, I want master plans, I want high-tech. At this point, I'd settle for the simple use of software at any point in the plot. Hell, use a cell phone! Blog about it! Use software to skim fractions of cents off of profits! something. something vaguely interesting. please.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Why My Blog Sucks

For the past couple of months, my blog has been sucking. To put it nicely. I never post, and when I do, it's really stuff that wasn't worthy of the time it took me to type. Today's entry will probably be no exception, but I wanted to make my excuse now, because it will soon be over.

You see, I want to go to medical school. I was one of those people that you see in Barnes & Noble with stacks of books and papers splayed out all over a cafe table drinking Starbucks and eating espresso brownies. The first time I applied, that was me. Studying non-stop, sleeping never, and coming as close as is humanly possible for an 18-year-old to having an ulcer. Needless to say, the first time I applied, I was not accepted. My grades were pretty average, my MCAT score was pretty average, and my participation in anything extracurricular was pretty below average (I was too busy caffeinating myself to death.) And I was 18 years old which may have played a part. That whole Doogie Howser thing doesn't happen all the time. They like mature, well-adjusted, blah blah blah applicants.

So, I went on and got my Master's degree in Public Health. It was something that I thoroughly enjoyed. I did exceptionally well, I was insanely involved in extracurriculars, and I had aged a year. The problem was the pre-med advisor at my school. I turned all my materials in to her, she was supposed to write me a letter and send said materials off, and that would be it. Instead, she decided not to send them. She told me she sent them. But she must have said this while wearing five-alarm fire pants. Big fat liar. Sooo, I finally figured out that none of my materials had been sent, spoke to her again, she admitted to them having never been sent, and sent them. A month past the deadline. So, I say that I've applied to med school twice before (since I've had to pay to apply that many times) but I'm pretty sure that second time didn't count since none of my applications met the deadline. I wanted this woman destroyed. I wanted to kill her. But my mother was very much into this whole zen "don't burn your bridges" thing, so I didn't. Although I'm pretty sure I just wanted her gone. No bridges need be harmed in the process. Unless she's standing on one at the time. But we're past that now.

So here we are. 3rd time's a charm. I have to get that horrible woman to write me another letter and send all my stuff off again. I am re-taking the MCAT. Which is a horrific 9-hour exam that covers every scientific topic that I probably never had that great of a grasp on anyway. They make sure to screw you out of any possibility of doing well. If you're good at biology (like me) don't worry, they'll be sure to bring your score down by including organic chemistry in the same section. Like inorganic chem? Hope you can do physics at the same time, because they too are scored together. My only salvation lies in the verbal reasoning section, but of course, the med schools examine the subsections seperately because apparently science is important. Blah.

Sooo, the MCAT is August 19th. Which is why my life has been crap. All day every day I'm either working or studying. Non-stop. But it's going to be over soon. I can go back to socializing with my friends (which means more fun stories for you guys), I can go back to reading books (so maybe my mind will start working again and I can go back to forming coherent thoughts), and I can go back to sleeping (instead of staying up all night going over formulas in my head.) MCAT and then I'm taking a week of vacation. And I can not begin to tell you how excited I am.

Fingers crossed people. I'll update you when it's over. :)

Thursday, August 03, 2006


From my nearly 40-year old friend who's ready to kill himself in a remedial algebra class*:
Passed test 4 and now on to test 5!!!!

Response from his boyfriend:
Congratulations sweety!!!

Response from me:

Response from another friend:

Response from other friend's boyfriend:
GO GIRLIEE PANTS, Gooooooooooo!!!!!!

Truly the nickname of champions. Go Girliee Pants indeed.
*He is of the opinion that artists should not have to take math. And if they do, they should only have to count paintbrushes. After watching him work his butt off to limited success, I tend to agree.

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