Reason #453
Not to date Angelina Jolie: She will do bad things to your hair. Or at least let you do them to yourself...which honestly, isn't letting someone wander around looking like that just as bad?
Not to date Angelina Jolie: She will do bad things to your hair. Or at least let you do them to yourself...which honestly, isn't letting someone wander around looking like that just as bad?
Today I went to lunch with a friend at a local barbeque place. Okay, I know, that's my first hint that vegetables are not their specialty. Nevertheless. The only vegetarian option on the menu (aside from their plain house salad) is the 4 vegetable plate. Woo! Yay vegetables. So I take a look at my choices.
1. Release a series of DVDs in matching boxes. Then at Season 6, release a box of DVDs that won't even stand up, let alone match the other boxes. Require me to send away for a replacement box that matches the rest of the seasons. I think I would be less annoyed by this if you hadn't anticipated my feelings. But you knew. There was an insert in the box that said something along the lines of "Does this box irritate you? We knew it would. Send us a check for $2.95 and we'll send you a less irritating version. Also, you're anal retentive." Did I need that? No. No I did not.
So the job search is finally over. Beginning February 13th, I will be a full-time employee. Woo! All at once this is the most awesome and terrifying thing ever. Awesome because it's a job that I think I'll enjoy, it's something that I'll be good at, it comes with health insurance, and it will stop my parents from calling everyday asking "Did you find a job yet? Did you find a job yet? Did you find a job yet?" FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YES I DID LEAVE ME ALONE.
Thursday night. What can I say about Thursday night? Or a more valid question, what can I remember about Thursday night? And the answer is, not a whole lot. But thanks to C and my phone-a-friend I've managed to piece it together. Feel free to add or correct guys.
So we spent most of our time in Texas shopping, since we went the Monday before Christmas and I had zero Christmas shopping done. There are many many many places to shop in Texas. The place is a giant strip mall. 'Nuff said.
But, we got past them and made it to Texas. WOO! The first thing I notice when we get to Texas is a speed limit sign (You can't make it out very well in the picture, and I suppose I should have edited it, but I'm lazy and you get the gist.). I've driven through many states. We drive from Birmingham to Chicago all the time. And never have I ever seen separate speed limits for day and night. I thought that's why we had headlights. So that we could drive at night. I'm guessing that maybe all the large Texas animals play a role in bringing down the speed limit. Who knows. I think it's hilarious. I just picture a burly dude in a cowboy hat driving a giant truck slowing down as dusk approaches, maybe shuddering in fear. "They mostly come out at night....mostly." (hahaha....kudos to anyone who gets the movie reference.)
The other thing that pops out at you as you're driving through Texas is the Battlefield Inn. And it's aaaaamazing. (According to the billboards.) There are probably 10 billboards for this place. Including: "This motel's for the birds! 4 talking parrots", "Free Evening Cocktails", and perhaps the best argument to stay there "The Owner recommends it." HHHHHHAHahahaha. Oh, and just to make sure that you don't miss them they have the enthusiastic "Hooray you found us!" sign. I completely heart the Battlefield Inn and would love to stay there. I'm sold people. I'm sold. up, I'm not really sure. But rest assured, more to come! :)
So this is the only non-blurry picture of our Christmas tree. Which is sad, because the thing's not even decorated. Of course, this is also pre-wilting. Because our tree became (presumably) clogged with sap and started to wilt a couple days after its decoration. But as you can see, its size clearly dictates that we would not be moving it, drilling on it, or breathing in its general vicinity for fear of it falling on someone and killing them. The tree was ginormous. For scale, that's my youngest sister Jo in the foreground. She's probably, I dunno, 5' tall? Maybe 4'8 or something. And that ladder is a full-size ladder. Which is extended about 2-3 rungs in order to reach the beam on the ceiling/top of the tree. Point of the story, monster tree.
So here are two things I heard today: