Monday, February 28, 2005


Sunday, February 27, 2005

Is it just me?

Or is this absolutely chilling? They're just now solving this crime from 1974:

"A journalist had obtained a copy of a letter from a man who claimed he had killed a family of four - binding and strangling them, hanging an 11-year-old girl from a basement pipe and leaving her parents and brother in their bedrooms.
It was signed, "Yours, Truly Guiltily ... BTK" for "Bind, Torture, Kill."

They finally found the guy, and here's what he's been doing with his spare time:

"The suspect has a face now," she wrote. "He is 59, married, has two grown children. He lives in Park City, a Wichita suburb, and is a 1979 graduate of criminal justice from Wichita State University. He is the president of his church congregation and has been a Cub Scout leader. He worked for the city.

See, yet another reason to not have kids. I would be in a constant state of paranoia. My children would be locked in their rooms with books. And they would be safe. And seriously maladjusted.

Marketing Genius!

You know what makes me want to go buy fried chicken? Watching a trick-or-treating little girl beat up a gorilla with her candy bucket in February. Honestly Church's, you might want to rethink your choice of ad agency.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Another day, another donor.

Well, that's not entirely accurate because donors never seem to pop up during the day. I'm about to head out on another case. Why do people always die so hella far away?! Can't they perish in a nearby city? I guess all the ones that die nearby decide not to donate. Stupid stingy-with-their-tissues city dwellers. Laters! (meaning probably be home around 6 AM tomorrow.)

You're never too donate tissue.

They got rid of the upper age limit on tissue donors, and so my weekends have officially been highjacked. Last weekend I did nothing but work and sleep and work some more. This weekend, thus far, has been the same. I didn't wake up until 4 PM today, and that was only because my phone rang. Yesterday I had to be at my day job by 8 AM, got off at 12, went to school for a while, and then went to work at an event for the day job people until 9 PM. Got called out of the event by the weekend job, went straight from event to other work, finished the local case, and then before we even had a chance to leave the office we got called out on another case. In western Mongolia. So at 3 AM I was trucking it down the road toward Podunk, Alabama to harvest some bone from Methuselah's great-uncle. Got home at about 9 this morning. My question is, who wants bones that have been around for almost 100 years? I'm sure they're not in the best condition. That's just me though. Well, I'm going to start my day (at 5 PM) and try to clean my apartment a bit. It has fallen back into a state of utter chaos, and my trashcan looks like it's puking. Must remedy that. Laters!

Friday, February 25, 2005

What's a girl gotta do to get fired around here?!?

Boss: Suzette told me what you said about me.
Samantha: Do you want me to repeat it to you right now? I can if you want.
Boss: Haha, I bet you would too.
Samantha: Yeah. I would. Want me to?
Boss: I know you'd tell're not afraid.
Samantha:'s too short to be afraid. Besides, what are you gonna do to me?
Boss: Haha (chuckles and leaves)

Overfatness is a serious problem

Overfatness and obesity are on the rise among U.S. citizens. According to the American Obesity Association, severe obesity is now at 4.7%. That's up from the 2.9% reported in the 1988-1994 National Health And Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Among adults who are 20 years old and older, 64.5% are overweight, and 30.5% are considered obese.

You know, I've been in public health a while, and I've never heard the term "overfatness." It should definitely be used more often. Can't you hear it as a common term? "I'm not obese, I'm just overfat." hahahha

How to tell you've had too much to drink....or not enough.

1. A guy (who you don't know from Adam and who hasn't spoken to you either) irritates you all night making crappy song requests to the band in the bar. So when you see him set his keys down on a table and turn away, you surreptitiously pick them up and throw them across the floor.*

2. You're leaving and start telling the 60-year-old cop at the door that he is "your ho." He cheerily agrees and tells you to have a good night. #

*I'll admit this one was kind of mean, but he found the keys really fast so it wasn't that bad. Then he tried to hit on us while we were leaving and we wished he hadn't found the keys.*

#Before anyone asks, I did neither of these things. But I did laugh about them.#

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Game Shows

For National Public Health Week at my school, we are planning on holding a "Family Feud" night featuring questions that center around public health and the theme of the week. I wish we could play a different game. I want to play "The Apprentice." And I want to be Donald Trump. With better hair.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


My God can you think of a headline that bears a greater resemblance to the major dilemma of a sci-fi movie?

I mean, I'm sure it's not good, and I agree that species-jumping is terrifying, but do you have to bring "Humanity" into it? Surely not. Let's all just, isn't that better?

Talent Show

If someone had said that while I was sitting there I would have turned and said, "Talent?! Where?!?!?" because it certainly wasn't on the stage. One of my friends made it into the talent show, so the public health envoy had to come and show some support. Thank God his band went first because we were able to leave at intermission. I had never seen his band before and I thought they were pretty good. I especially admired his funky dance moves. (I'm a sucker for boys shakin' it.) However, the rest of the performers left quite a bit to be desired.

All the singers went with slow boooorrrinnnggg ballads. The dancers sucked. There were some Indian girls that were doing this "Indian Fusion" that was supposed to blend traditional Indian dance with modern moves. Their dancing was great, but there was no fusion. That stuff was straight-up Indian dancing. Trust me- I have made it my business to become an Indian song and dance aficionado. I do so love Indian music and dancing. :)

Finally there was a group of hip-hop dancers. There was one dude, who happened to be about 4' tall, that was completely into it and getting down like there was no tomorrow. I think he should have performed solo, because his 3 groupmates were terrible. They weren't into it, they weren't on step, and they weren't doing the moves the right way. He made it look cool, they made it look like they were cranking up the lawnmower and doing the cabbage patch. It was really not hot. So, to summarize, I have no idea who won but I hope it was my friend's group...because he was the best. Anyone that can get up there and dance like that in a sweater he borrowed from Mr. Rogers deserves the money. :)

How to be a good friend

Share your BellBottoms party with me, and bribe people to come to my conference. You know I love some lowdown stuff like that :)

How to make me fall for you

Tell me you love fireworks.

Sweet Sweet Success

I have been scrambling trying to get people to come to this PHR conference, and it finally appears to have paid off. We have 250 people registered to attend. 50 more people and we have a full house, and if those 50 come from UAB, we will have met the goal of having an even number of UAB students versus everyone else. I can not tell you how much of a load this is off my mind. The conference is going to be over soon and I'll be able to breathe again. National Public Health Week (NPHW) is coming up shortly after that which will be another complete stresser, but at least I'll have a functional team working on that. The PHR committee consisted of a few select people that did stuff, and then a bunch of people that just wanted to come to the conference for free. Is it reallly that much of a financial burden to pay $15 to attend a conference- especially when it feeds you all day? I can not wait for the weekend of the conference. It is going to be great, we're going out afterward, and then the PHR people are taking me to see the Chieftains (celtic folk band) at the Alys Stephens Center on Sunday night. It is going to be one sweet, well-deserved weekend.

In other news, I won the BellBottoms party! So it's official- if you enter the contest, you will win at some point. All I have to do is pick a date and from 8-9 PM 200 of my friends can have $1 drinks. I'm thinking of picking St. Patrick's Day, or the night of the conference. C already is having one the night of the conference so I'm going to call her and see how many people she's expecting. If it's not over 100, I'll see if she minds me putting my party on the same night. It's just such a great location- if people are hungry beforehand they can eat at one of the restaurants around, if they don't like BellBottoms there are several other clubs and bars within walking distance! Perfection!!! Well, I have to get ready for class, work, meetings, the usual. :) Laters!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Because I'm Not a Vampire!

I went home this weekend- I really needed to take a break (I know I say that all the time.) It was nice to be home and spend time with my sisters. There's never a dull moment in my house.
Por ejemplo, this is what happened yesterday morning-

Scene: Jessica and I are in the bathroom. She is drying my hair for me (a wretched task which I despise.) Michaela Jo (my youngest sister who everyone else calls Michaela but I call Jo) comes knocking at the door.

Jessica: Who is it?
Michaela: It's me, Michaela!
Jessica: What do you want Michaela?
Michaela: I want to come in!
Jessica: No. Go away.
Michaela walks in.
Samantha: Jo, you look so pale!
Michaela: Uh uh!
Samantha: Uh huh. You look like a vampire.
Jessica: Michaela, GET OUT!!!
Samantha: Jo, Jessica is afraid of vampires.
You're gonna have to leave you little bloodsucker.
Michaela leaves.

Jessica: (tiredly) Who is it?
Michaela: It's me, Erin!
Jessica: Michaela, we know it's you.
Michaela: No! It's me Erin!
Jessica: Why should we let you in?!
Michaela: Because I'm not a vampire.
Samantha & Jessica fall over laughing.

Other weekend highlights included going out with Erin and her friends to a redneck restaurant. I heard the phrase "scarf down them vittles" used in a sentence without the intention of mocking someone. Frightening. My sisters and I played volleyball, catch, hot potato, and "stuff Jenny's blue jeans with grass" which was a lot of fun. My parents have contracted the illness that I was plagued with a couple weeks ago, so they were both on the verge of death all weekend. However, my father did feel better long enough to wrap his blanket around his neck like a cape and dance in front of the window when Jessica's date came to pick her up on Friday night. I was also nice enough to rifle through the lad's car. (I still don't approve of anyone who frequents McDonald's....and accumulates THAT many wrappers in his floorboard.)
So overall, an eventful weekend as always. I miss living at the asylum...I mean, home. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Why Can't I Win?

I had a very long day, as expected. Had my PHSA meeting, and a certain member decided not to attend. This is the 3rd meeting that this important person has missed without so much as a "Hi, I'm not going to be there" or "I hate you, and I don't want to be your lackey." So, we had a pretty unproductive meeting and then we went to dinner and a movie. The huge group that was supposed to go dwindled to 3 people, we only had 30 minutes to eat, we scarfed our food down (the only thing I'd had to eat the entire day) and proceeded to the theatre. Got there and there weren't any seats left. So, no Constantine for Samantha. But, you know who did get to see Constantine? My MIA PHSA member. Apparently he had to miss the meeting to celebrate getting into medical school. Woohoo for him! I know next time I apply to medical school, I'm going to be an alcoholic. Apparently that makes you a more attractive applicant.

We ended up going to Blockbuster and renting "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" which I really enjoyed the first time, but which really knocked me out tonight. So, I just got home and I'm really tired and I'm not really thrilled. Oh well, can't win them all! G'night

Just another manic Thursday

Thursdays are always my longest and most tiring days, and today will be no exception. I have to be at work in about 45 minutes, I have a Meatless Monday conference call at 10:30, I get out of work at noon, I have to go yell at someone between 12 and 1 (I'm really not looking forward to that.) Then it's off to a 2.5 hour class, which I really don't mind, but it's still 2.5 hours of sitting in one room. Then I go straight to another class on the other side of campus for another 1.25 hours. From there it's a PHSA meeting until about 6:30 PM. Sooo long.

Also tonight, after the meeting a few people are going to go to dinner and then to go see the free screening of Constantine at 8 PM. I'm excited about getting to go see a movie but there are a couple of problems: 1. I will be so tired! 2. It will be so scary! I don't like scary movies...although this one does look kind of cool...and it has Rachel Weisz (sp?) who I love. I am so not into Keanu Reeves...he just seems so dumb like a rock (I know, quite the opposite of my sister's opinion of him.) Anyways!! I only need to recruit 18 more public health students, and 5 more undergrads for the conference!! YAY!! I'm off to work! Laters

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

How to Make Me Smile

Email me at 10 PM and ask why I wasn't in class this morning. Tell me how unbearable class is without me and pretend to be not speaking to me anymore while I know that you're at home waiting for my response.

How to Scare the Crap Out of Me

Tell me about a new strain of HIV that develops into full-blown AIDS in a matter of months rather than a decade. Then tell me it's multi-drug resistant. We're so screwed.


As promised, a description of my new job-I-wish-I-had! The position is that of Southeastern region campaign coordinator for DATA's ONE campaign. DATA (Debt AIDS Trade Africa) is an organization that focuses on the policy aspect of fighting AIDS in Africa. They work to convince politicians to set their priorities on health, which is something I am totally down with. The ONE campaign is kind of cheesy (ONE person can make a difference, working as ONE we can make a difference, etc.) but I'd still love to work on it. I would be based out of Tennessee, which while not being NY or Chi-town, is farther north than Alabama, and therefore a step in the right direction.

My entire job will be basically a larger scale version of what I did with this conference. It's a grassroots effort trying to get students, schools, and local organizations to meet with their politicians, write letters, and otherwise advocate for responsible health spending...particularly on AIDS in Africa. My only problem with the job is that it only requires a bachelor's degree, meaning I might not make very much money. I'm totally cool with that, but I will need a salary that will cover the cost of relocating to Tennessee (I'm assuming rent there is higher, etc. since AL seems to have some of the cheapest rent in the nation.) I haven't even applied for the job yet, but I'd like to get it. I need to revamp my resume before I apply, so I'll probably not take any action on this til after the conference, but I'll keep everyone posted!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I Will Survive!

The past week has been fraught with drama, which you would think would spark a need for the catharsis generally brought about by my writing. However, those who know me best may note that my best catharsis (reserved for when I am madder than hell) is reserved for cleaning. Hence my last entry. I am no longer angry. I'm not angry, I'm not hurt, and I'm really not surprised.

On the Brittain front, there's nothing to tell. I never heard from him again, and I don't expect to. If I do hear from him, it will be because he wants to remain friends, which I'm happy to do. Won't be hard considering the fact that he hardly ever writes and is on the opposite side of the globe. Nuff said. I tend to be attracted to the 1. insane 2. criminal and 3. uninterested. It leads to a lot of 1. disappointment 2. calls from jail and 3. rejection. So, I think I'm starting to get used to it. Sad, but true.

On other fronts, everything's going really well. I've had my pity-party-on-the-couch-with-assorted-chocolate-laden-products time, so it's back to firing on all cylinders. My goals for conference recruitment were set for 10 undergraduate students, and 20 public health students. At present, I have recruited 3 undergrads and 2 public health students. I have until next Thursday. I'll get it done- have no fear (I know I have none.) The website for registration is so if by some act of God you are a student interested in global health and you're in the vicinity of Birmingham, or are willing to make the trek, please register and then let me know you registered so I can add it to my tally. Thanks :)

In unrelated news, one of my best friends has placed a 7 day "embargo" on me during which he is neither to see nor speak to me. I know he did not mean for this to hurt my feelings (which it did) and I know he has a good reason for it (which he won't tell me) so I've decided to comply with his wishes. He told me that he had lifted the "embargo" but I'm not going to let that fly. I'm sure there was some initial thought process behind that decision, so we'll see where it takes him. By my calculations, we can communicate again on the 21st. I hope he figures out whatever he was looking for. As I said, I'm not angry and I'm not hurt anymore. I'm over it. So no need for explanations or apologies...let's just do this and be done with it.

I guess that's all that's going on in my life for now. I'm really stoked about the conference (only 17 days away!) and keeping so busy with that as of late has really made my work bearable. Mainly because I'm not doing any work. Oooh! I also found a job I'd really like to have, so I'm not so nervous about graduating anymore. But, I'm tired and I have work in the morning, so I'm going to head to bed and I'll tell you guys about it tomorrow night! Laters!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

So fresh and so clean

Today has been so productive! I didn't get home from my case until 5 this morning, so I ended up sleeping until noon. But then, my Dad called and said he was coming to visit, so I woke up and cleaned my apartment. I mean CLEANED. Picked everything up, vacuumed every room, scrubbed the kitchen floor (it looks a little more presentable,) washed the dishes, and cleaned the bathroom. I even organized the papers on my desk! It looks like a whole new apartment. Then Dad and Jess and I went out to eat (do not get mozzarella sticks from Logan's....they are poison.) After they left, I went to Target and did some shopping. I now have food, and candles so my apartment even smells clean! Plus, I finally bought an ironing board so in a short while, I will be in the living room ironing the huge pile of clean clothes that I haven't been wearing because I've been too lazy to remove the hugely ingrained wrinkles. (I've also been too cheap to run them through the dryer again before someone makes that suggestion.) Well, I'm off to iron! Laters!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Working hard for the money

So last night I got paged out at about 11:30 PM...went and did a relatively quick case and was back in bed by 4 AM. I awakened to my pager (although I thought it was my alarm clock which I quickly and clumsily dropped behind the bed) and now have another case to be at in about 30 minutes. I like all the work, I just hope certain people don't drop by today while I'm gone and miss me and get on their plane to another continent in the morning without seeing me. Although, I have to admit, that fear is completely unwarranted. Oh well, I'm going to eat something before I head out. Laters!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

I'm having a stroke.

Well everyone. Be proud. I did it. I told Brittain. He leaves Sunday, so time was running short. He may not be that into me, but I prayed every day for him to come back and I felt like God really held up his end of the bargain and if I didn't tell him how I felt, I would deserve some serious divine retribution. So I wrote him a letter and I emailed it to him. About 10 seconds ago. I dont know how I'm going to sleep tonight. On one hand I'm really glad I did it. It's been almost 3 years of unnecessary drama. On the other hand, I want to crawl under a rock and die with the amount of nervousness and embarassment. It's a serious toss-up. Well, I need to try to sleep, although I'm sure that will not happen any time in the near future. G'night.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I'm never going to see OLP again!

Apparently, Chantal Kreviazuk is 5 months pregnant. She and Raine Maida just had their first child on January 16th, 2004. I just have one question- Raine, HAVE YOU NO CONTROL?!?!? Good GRAVY!! GIVE THE LADY A BREAK AND GO ON TOUR OR MAKE A NEW CD!!!! AUGHHH!!!!

And the Lord said...

Let there be 14 ounce cans of Mountain Dew. And he saw it. And it was good. So good....and cold...and caffeinated. I love mountain dew.

How to Irritate Me

Make me do group work. I hate working in groups. I know I sound anti-social and all that jazz, but there is nothing worse than being forced to do work with a group that doesn't know what they're doing, or worse yet- a group that thinks that know exactly what they're doing when they really don't. We have to do a 15 minute group presentation for 20% of our grade, and for that we are to do a slideshow with about 15 slides in it. So, my group is sending me their slides so that I can compile them into one show and we're going to meet tonight to practice. My group has already sent me 23 slides. That doesn't even include my part of the show where I'm supposed to talk about how our case relates to all six areas of public health. THere is NOOOO way that we're going to finish in the allotted 20 minutes, and I say that with utter confidence because we have a doctor in our group and that always spells trouble. It's so funny- I want to be a doctor, I know a few good ones, but GOD I hate having classes with them. They think they are the end all be all and I have to say, they shouldn't. Because they're not. A lot of them are dumb like rocks and I wonder how they got a medical license in the first place. This guy is really nice and seems smart, but he should be a little smarter and realize that when 4 people have to talk for 20 minutes, his section can't be 15 minutes long. AUGH!! So again, I hate working in groups. Just thought I'd share. Laters.

Friday, February 04, 2005


Yay! I finally feel better. My heat in my apartment is working again (so mystery space heater person should reveal him or her self so that I can return it.) My Dad came up and took care of me the day before yesterday and spent the night, and then Jessica came up last night and spent the night. I can't say that I was boatloads of fun since I pretty much laid on the couch and lingered somewhere between consciousness and coma, but it was really nice to have them here. Being alone when you're sick is no fun. Not that I was really alone- everyone called and checked on me a lot and people brought me stuff because they're really's just different to have someone actually stay with you so you don't have to think about anything. Anyways...I'm staying home from work again today, just because I don't think I could stay at work all day without falling asleep. I got a lot of sleep last night, but I'm just so drained from lack of sleep the rest of the week I think. So, with that said, I'm going to take a nap on my couch with my heat working and I'm sure I will wake up feeling even better! Laters!

Thursday, February 03, 2005

To the Mysterious Person Who Left an Oscillating Space Heater Outside My Apartment Last Night:

God Bless You.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

My Heater- A glorified fan.

So my apartment complex is the worst place on the planet to live. I've been sick for about 2.5 days now, and freezing my butt off thinking I have a fever. I do have a fever, but I'm also freezing to death for another reason. My stupid heat is out. The heat in my apartment has not been working for about 3 days I've been feeling a cool breeze coming from the vent thinking, "Man, I must be really sick because that air feels frigid!" In actuality, that air IS frigid because it's 45 degrees outside and I'm living in a cinderblock igloo. AUGH!! Well, I'm heading back to the couch and my fleecy goodness blanket. Laters!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Death Becomes Her

It's strange, I actually don't look like death warmed over. I just feel like it. I think I have strep throat is killling me. Thank God I still have some popsicles left over from the last time this happened. I stayed home from work this's probably a really bad idea. I shouldn't let myself get used to not having to go to the cubicle maze. Oh well though. Just thought I'd let everyone know I was sitting at home...I'm going to resume my couch-warming. Laters!

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