Wednesday, December 29, 2004


I can NOT believe the temperature. I'm not complaining, I'm just incredulous. Apparently we're going to kick off the New Year with temperatures in the 70's. Way to go sun....keep it up.


Cheers & Jeers

to taking a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. I just woke up and I feel great...and this is the 3rd day I've done this!

Jeers ..........
to the fact that I have nothing better to do during my (oh so fleeting, needing to carpe the diem) free afternoons than sleep like a 90-year old woman.


You're not the boss of me.

Or at least you shouldn't be. If you want me to call around town asking about tobacco cessation programs, but you instead ask me to inquire into "tobacco sensation" programs, you should not be my boss. You should be kicked in the head though. Twice.

Or as Toby Keith suggests, receive "a boot in the ass" since that is the "American way." Way to be Toby....way to show the compassion of the most powerful nation in the world. Courtesy of the red, white, and blue? When did we get courteous? (By the way, I know that song is old as the hills, but I don't keep up with Country music, so I just found out about it. Sorry.)

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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Car Talk

Today was Samantha's first foray into vehicle maintenance. And I shouldn't have forayed. Thanks a lot Daniel. Now I have 2 tiny lightbulbs that I have no use for. My brake light/turn signal on the right side stopped working. So, I labored under the assumption that the lightbulb needed to be replaced. I was wrong. So. Wrong. It took me forever to get the old lightbulb out...that thing was lodged firmly in its little socket and it definitely did not want to leave its cozy little home. I finally get it out, replace it with a newer and better bulb, put the assembly back onto the back of the truck, and turn on the signal. Ta da!! Nothing. So now I think it's the fuse...which I tried to get out of the fuse box to no avail. The truly sad part about this failed attempt is how dirty the inside of the tail light assembly is. Because all that dirt got on my hands, which subsequently got on my face (since I have a unruly mop on my head that I have to continuously prop behind my ears) and my jeans. So now I look like I've been wrestling a pig who was encrusted in mud rather than dripping with it. And my tail light still doesn't work. This is why I just take my baby to the professionals. Lesson learned.


Tsunamis suck

Looking for a way to not feel totally useless? Why not help the thousands of people affected by the deadly tsunamis in southeast Asia? This website has links to the organizations involved in relief efforts. A couple of my loved ones are in that general vicinity at the moment- luckily not anywhere near the coast. I don't know what I would do if either of them were anywhere near the water. Try not to think about it.

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I should've paid more attention in Home Ec.

It's really sad when the hem falls out of your pants and the only solution you can think of is to Krazy Glue it back up. So yes, my pants are dotted with superglue. I really wish I'd kept a needle and thread around. Or that I'd learned how to use them. Or that I had a pant-hemmer on staff at my apartment. Oh well. They're staying up- that's all that matters.


Monday, December 27, 2004

Watch me count backward from 10.

Well, lists seem to be popular on the blogger scene as of late, so I thought I'd join in the fray instead of drying my hair and getting ready for work!

Top 10 Worst Things That Happened This Year
10. Raine Maida producing many crappy teenybopper albums and thus unjustifying my love.
09. Missing out on my best friend from high school.
08. Not being able to sleep in ever.
07. Having to leave New York.
06. Learning all about the human rights violations taking place all over the world and knowing
that I can't go help because my parents would freak out if I ever left the country- let alone
for Sudan to help refugees from genocide.
05. My sisters continuing their descent into adulthood.
04. Brittain leaving me.
03. Pranathi leaving me.
02. Receiving an internship at the health department which will NEVER end.
01. *Updated: apparently my worst happening of the year has to be something that happens to me- not my selfish rule!* So my new #1 will be not getting into medical school. (There's still hope for it, but I'm really not holding my breath at this point.)

*Note: It took me a really long time to figure out 10 bad things that have happened this year.
My life is really incredibly easy and I'd just like to take a moment to point out that
anytime I am complaining, you should refer me back to this list.

Okay...took a lot longer than I thought it would, so I'll do the top ten with a positive spin later today! I have to go spend some quality time with my blowdryer. (I use it to threaten my hair into submission every day.) Laters!

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Sunday, December 26, 2004

It's not easy being a pirate

I just want to declare my love for iTunes. I shouldn't- because they make me pay for music- but I do. It is sooo worth my 99 cents to be able to click on whatever song I want, know that it's not some horrible recording of the song or some fakeout, and have it download in literally 2 seconds. Take my money Apple- I am a-okay with it. I got an iPod for Christmas, and let me tell you, I am loading this bad boy up. No more long horrible boring days at work. No. From now on I am spacing out with a soundtrack. Yeah! Laters!


Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Go to this website and click on the video for "Daughters." The video doesn't do much for me, but the song makes me cry. A lot. Stupid sisters growing up and making me cry.


Homeward Bound

Woohoo!! I'm going home until noon, go buy a couple last minute gifts, and then I'm getting the heck out of dodge. 4 days of no work. I love it. I'm sure I'll probably continue to post from home, but if I don't- Merry Christmas!!

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Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Thank God J.K. Rowling has gotten back to work! She needs to quit getting married and having babies and stay focused!! Apparently she's pregnant with time-burglar #3, so don't hold your breath for the last Harry Potter book.


Peep this, Homeslice

Okay, I may be a Christian, but I know funny when I see it. Skip these if you're easily offended by sacrilege. (Sorry.)

* Mmmm...what's that smell? Oh, it's Jesus.

* Convert the Heathens!!


Monday, December 20, 2004

Tis the Season

Apparently tis the season to rob interns blind. I swear- I'm having to spend so much money at my stupid job this week, it's not even funny! Today we had to take in a snack for everyone (20 people.) Then tomorrow everyone's supposed to bring in a dish. I signed up to make sweet potato casserole cause I thought that would be pretty simple. Then, we have to do $5 secret santa gifts, and they want everyone to bring $10 to buy a shirt and tie for the boss- who, by the way, is newer than me and has been tickin' me off ever since he came on board! So, I have yet to contribute (read: they aren't getting my money.) I had to work ALL freakin' weekend, so I haven't had a chance to go to the store. That's me- Mrs. Procrastination. It is 36 degrees outside and I need to go to the store and buy a secret santa gift and some sweet potato stuff. Stupid winter. I hate winter. And I hate my job. 20 more weeks baby! After Christmas, we'll be in the teens!! I'm so excited...I don't think anyone has ever been so excited to lose their primary source of income. What can I say? I'd rather live in a cardboard box than spend my days in a cubicle. Okay, guess I'm heading off into the weather. Laters!

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Holy Frikkin' Crap

You know you have a serious problem when you desperately need coffee and you can't remember how to make it. It's 19 degrees outside- I hope I can remember how to get dressed. Better get crackin' on it.


Driving Sideways

That's what I'm going to be doing in about 45 minutes because I'm so tired I can't see straight, but I have to be at work in an hour. I've had about 4.5 hours of sleep which is about .5 hours too many to be functioning normally. I am SOOO bloody bleeding tired. And the stupid heat is not helping at is knocking me out. I'm going to make some coffee. At least I get off at noon- at which point I will be returning here and knocking the heck out. Laters!

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Sunday, December 19, 2004


I'm listening to this song that Raine Maida covered called "Liar." The song is really not that great....but I love it. And that's when I realized....Raine Maida could sing "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and I'd listen to it 24-7. I love his's just beautiful. I'm still mad at him about American Idol, but he does have a beautiful voice. Also, I've been reading a lot about genocide in Sudan through Physicians for Human Rights ( and then I read that Raine Maida went there on a trip with War Child Canada! You can read the transcript of an interview on it here, but I would highly recommend getting more indepth facts from PHR's site. Finally, if you want to hear the "Liar" song, go here!

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This is more like it

This weekend is more like what I am used to. I have had about 3 hours of sleep and at 10 PM I'm going to go do my 4th case for the weekend. I am soo tired- I love it! Of course, I won't be paid for all of this until about February, but when I am, it'll be pretty sweet. I had to drive down to Dadeville this morning...I can't wait til Christmas!! My house is all decorated and Michaela and Jenny are so stoked about Santa and's going to be so much fun. Well, I'm going to run because I just woke up from a nap and I feel like my writing is sucking a little bit- plus I want to grab something to eat before I have to head out again. Also, I forgot to turn on the heat for the past 2 days and now it is colder than the backside of Pluto in here. Laters!

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Friday, December 17, 2004

California Dreamin'

I might get to go to California in March! Woohoo! My school has a $500 travel grant to send one student to a conference in Loma Linda, California. I really want to go for a variety of reasons:
1. The conference is on healthier lifestyles, which is my area of interest/growing expertise.
2. The conference will feature the creator of the Transtheoretical Model of Change (if you're in Health Behavior, you think that's really cool...and you're a dork.)
3. The conference is free and the travel grant will defray most of the expenses...I'd mostly have to pay for food.
4. The conference is in California.

Really, #4 covers it, but they are all true (Yes, Health Behaviorists, you are dorks.) The decision of which student gets the single grant we have is up to one of the Deans who asked the Department heads and a few other staff members for recommendations of who to send. So, we'll see. It would be nice to have the PHR conference on the 5th of March and then get to fly out of town the next week...a nice little minibreak that will be much needed by the time March rolls around I'm sure. Well, I'm beat so time for sleep. Laters!

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Why me?

Last night, I got home and Rupal called me to go out with her and Carolyn. Apparently the law school was having an "end of finals party" at a bar in Homewood. Rupal did not want to go with Carolyn alone, because she didn't really know anyone and the probability of losing Carolyn in a crowded place is way high since she's a very little person. I mean, damn tiny. Soo, I decided to go with them. Not such a hot idea. We get there and it is the world's tiniest bar. Itty bitty. So we're crammed into this place like sardines, except we're not sardines, we're something gummy worms. Trapped in a sardine can. It smells bad in the sardine can, and sardines are loud and obnoxious. Case in point: the sardine at the bar.

A little bit of backstory for those who don't know her- Rupal is gorgeous. She's a model and she's beautiful, and because of this, many many many guys hit on her. (Tip: Don't hit on her unless you have money, cause you're wasting your time.) So, we go up to the bar to grab a drink and there's this dude sitting there....has to be 30 something...if not older. He taps Rupal and tells her that she is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen and people must tell her that a lot, and can he have her number? So she smiles and says hell no, and you'd think that'd be it. No. He turns to me and proceeds to "hit on" me. I put "hit on" in cute little quotations because I've never been insulted while being hit on, but last night was a first. The guy, after complimenting Rupal up and down, turns to me and says, "you're beautiful, but in an understated way. You have to kind of look for it. You look really determined like you know what you want." At this point, I'm wandering away because he's really drunk and I'm kind of PO'd. And he grabs my arm and goes, "You just look like the kind of girl that would kick some ass."

This exchange brings up some interesting questions. I do consider myself very determined and kind of kickass. However, do I project that just walking around? I figured people wouldn't know that til they either crossed me or got to know me. It's very strange that some drunk dude at a bar would peg me like that. I mean, I wasn't wearing leather or carrying a whip or anything. I dunno. It was bee-czar. Well, food for thought. I'm off to work...buenas dias!


Thursday, December 16, 2004

Simpson's Moment of the Day

Today's fabulous Simpson's line was uttered by none other than Mr. Burns. He is sitting in the waiting room at the Mayo Clinic.

Burns reading the form to himself: "Parents' cause of death?"
Burns aloud: "They got in my way." was probably funnier if you heard it, but it was still pretty good.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?

Okay, so it's sacrilegious. But isn't it just a little bit funny? When I saw it in the store, I almost died laughing. Click on the cover here...kind of drives it home. Hehehe. I don't like George Carlin at all....and I picked up the book and thumbed through it and it didn't look good at all...but kudos on the title.


No really, fire me.

I'm not even kidding- if I become any more irresponsible I will be...well, I don't know who I'll be but it won't be me. I woke up at my usual 6:45 this morning in order to prepare for work...but rather than getting up, I turned off both alarms and fell back asleep under the assumption that I would reawaken in about 5 minutes. I have to leave by 7:45 AM to get to work on time. So, I finally roll over and look at my watch. It's 7:45 AM. My hair's not done, I'm not wearing makeup, hell, I'm not even wearing clothes. It was a bad moment to be me. I was supposed to be in Gardendale helping with flu shots at 8 AM. Gardendale is 20 minutes away. Ugh. So, I got up, got to Gardendale at about 8:40 (including stopping for gas), and worked all day helping old people walk around and fill out forms. My feet hurt and are quite blistered from wearing my non-padded boots around all day. Thank God I had the foresight (read: was too lazy to iron slacks) to wear jeans. So, I got home around 5 PM completely exhausted, with my feet hurting, and smelling like old people and cigarettes. (Some people reeked of cigarettes and for some reason I did too just from being around them. Talk about secondhand smoke.) So, cross your fingers for me that I actually make it to work on time tomorrow. It would be the first time this week, but it's really kind of important. I figure turning off the heat in the apartment before I go to bed will help, since the heat is making it far too warm and cozy to wake up. Alrighty, I'm heading to bed. Man, I hope I wake up in the morning. Laters!

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Not much to CDC

I have to say, the low point of my trip to Atlanta yesterday was the CDC Visitor's Center. Because of stupid 9/11, we were relegated to taking only a tour of the Visitor's Center, so no, I didn't see anything cool at all. However, I did have to pass through about a gajillion security checkpoints in order to see this nothing. The Visitor's Center is an absolute joke. But not a funny joke. A sad, why did I sit in a minivan all morning, can't we go get lunch kind of joke. It is a self-guided tour of one room complete with mannequins and games suitable for 12 year olds. All of the information is intended for a group of elementary school children. So my question for the CDC is, why in the world would you say, "Yes group of Masters level students from the UAB School of Public Health, please come see our crappy visitors center"? Wouldn't you think they would say, "actually, the visitors' center is geared toward younger audiences.....and even they think it sucks." I don't know.

Luckily, it got better once we left there. We had lunch at a place called "Doc Chey's" which was just like Jobe noodles (price and all.) It rocked like a monkey. I had Chinese Lo Mein and I ate the entire bowl. Which was a horrible mistake since I was in the center seat in the back row of the world's most uncomfortable van. It was horrible- seats were hard as rocks, there was absolutely NO leg room, and the windows were filthy from the inside. Enterprise rent-a-car was supposed to get us an 8 passenger van, and instead we have a 7 seater. Thank goodness one of our people didn't show up...not that it would have affected me cause no one else would have been squeezing into the back row. was bad.

Finally, we went to the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory to check it out and meet with some people. Their building is SOO nice. Richard was so jealous and kept commenting the whole time about how we need this and that. I kept telling myself, they pay an arm and a leg and their firstborn child to attend that they should have all that stuff. We, on the other hand, pay the monetary equivalent of breadcrumbs to attend our school and its still a relatively nice building. So, as the bumper stickers so eloquently put it, "Quit yer bitchin'." It was a nice place though....we got some really good ideas about stuff we could do with our building that we wouldn't have to pay for, so I hope we can do some of that.

Well, that's basically my review of the trip that turned out not to be so bad, but could definitely have used improvement. Here's a recap of a few of the lessons learned:
1. CDC Visitors Center sucks.
2. Doc Chey's rocks.
3. Enterprise Rent-A-Car sucks.
4. Chevy Venture's are uncomfortable. Really. Uncomfortable.
5. Going to Emory when you come from Alabama is depressing.
6. Telling Richard that you're sleepy will ensure that he will not let you sleep at all. Spazz.
7. Never sit in the center seat of anything. Always a bad idea.


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I was just asking myself that question, since I haven't shown up for work in the past two days. Granted, I worked Sunday which is fine to substitute for Monday, and I normally don't work Tuesdays, but people will wonder why I was out 2 days in a row. The real reason that I wonder about this, is that I haven't told anyone anything. I didn't tell them I was working Sunday, nor that I was subbing Sunday for Monday. So, it just looks like I haven't come in for a while. Hehehe. I was going to go to work this morning, but when I rolled over at 6 AM, I figured out that it just wasn't going to happen. And I'm soooo glad I made that decision, because I have so much crap I need to get done without having to go to work.


Sunday, December 12, 2004

My fuel light is on

Oh my God I am so sleepy. I'm running on about 2 hours of sleep (if that) and the bags under my eyes look like packed to head to Tahiti for a year. Lucky Samantha gets to head over to the FluVaccine clinic until 5 pm. Woohoo! Then I'll hit 6 PM mass tonight (someone remind me because I'll forget otherwise) and then go to bed early. EARLY early. Alrighty...I'm going to try to eat some lunch before I head out and try not to climb into my bed, as that will be the kiss of death. Tomorrow morning, CDC fieldtrip! Woohoo! Laters

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Saturday, December 11, 2004

I hate you weather. I really do.

It is my first day off when I actually have absolutely nothing to do, and of course, it's 44 degrees outside. I was going to ride my bike to the store to get some quarters for the laundry, but it's frikkin' cold out there. I know I'm being a weinie, but I don't care. I don't have a ski mask, so I'm not getting a breeze up in 44 degree weather. Damn you weather.


To Do List

1. Do the laundry...please Samantha, do the laundry.
2. Take out the trash.
3. Clean the apartment.
4. Clean the apartment.
5. Clean the apartment.

I had to put that last one on there thrice so that when I got the urge to skip that and go on the the next thing, it would be the next thing. I really hope I do all this stuff, cause it would be nice to have it all done. Living in squalor because of my procrastination during finals is no fun.


Friday, December 10, 2004

Just shoot me.

Just had the stunning realization that the Flu Vaccination Clinic I have to work on Sunday is not going to count toward this week's hours but next. Meaning I have to work 8-5 today to get all my hours in. Flu shot shortages suck for so many reasons. Off I go...laters.

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Please God, NO!

There's a new way to store audio and video information. Damn it. Remember VCRs? Remember how we all had to go out and buy a DVD player because VCRs became obsolete? Well, look out DVD player, Blu-Ray is on its way. I don't want to buy any more electronic devices! Sob. I just hope the little mini-war between Blu-Ray and HD discs pushes back the production time on this crap until my DVD player breaks. (Crossing fingers.)


Thursday, December 09, 2004

I think I accidentally grew up

I am a grown-up. And here's my proof:
1. It is 10 PM and I'm basically asleep at the keyboard.
2. Christmas shopping has become more of a chore than an excuse to be in a mall.
3. I like movies without happy endings.
4. I like music without words (although I like it with words as well.)
5. I have a crappy job that I haven't quit.
6. I have another job, so I can't go out on weekends.
7. I can go out for drinks.
8. I don't have to ask anyone whether I can throw food away out of the refrigerator.
9. Tomorrow I have to attend an Educational Policy Committee Meeting.
10. I am the supervising coordinator of a conference that over 400 people will be attending.
11. The conference is called "Achieving Equity in Global Health- A Role for Health
12. I wake up at 6:30 AM every morning using only an alarm clock and strength of will.
13. I can get a new job because I have education and experience.
14. I will need a new job because I have to pay my rent and other bills.

Being a grown-up sucks.

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A Soldier's Poem

I don't agree with the war in Iraq, but I am the daughter of a couple of veterans, so I love some soldiers. I just had this emailed to me. I've read it a thousand times, but it always chokes me up. So, here it is:

A Soldier's Christmas

'Twas The Night Before Christmas,
He Lived All Alone,
In A One Bedroom House
Made Of Plaster And Stone.

I Had Come Down The Chimney
With Presents To Give,
And To See Just Who
In This Home Did Live.

I Looked All About,
A Strange Sight I Did See,
No Tinsel, No Presents,
Not Even A Tree.

No Stocking By Mantle,
Just Boots Filled With Sand,
On The Wall Hung Pictures
Of Far Distant Lands.

With Medals And Badges,
Awards Of All Kinds,
A Sober Thought
Came Through My Mind.

For This House Was Different,
It Was Dark And Dreary,
I Found The Home Of A Soldier,
Once I Could See Clearly.

The Soldier Lay Sleeping,
Silent, Alone,
Curled Up On The Floor
In This One Bedroom Home.

The Face Was So Gentle,
The Room In Such Disorder,
Not How I Pictured
A United States Soldier.

Was This The Hero
Of Whom I'd Just Read?
Curled Up On A Poncho,
The Floor For A Bed?

I Realized The Families
That I Saw This Night,
Owed Their Lives To These Soldiers
Who Were Willing To Fight.

Soon Round The World,
The Children Would Play,
And Grownups Would Celebrate
A Bright Christmas Day.

They All Enjoyed Freedom
Each Month Of The Year,
Because Of The Soldiers,
Like The One Lying Here.

I Couldn't Help Wonder
How Many Lay Alone,
On A Cold Christmas Eve
In A Land Far From Home.

The Very Thought
Brought A Tear To My Eye,
I Dropped To My Knees
And Started To Cry.

The Soldier Awakened
And I Heard A Rough Voice,
"Santa Don't Cry,
This Life Is My Choice;

I Fight For Freedom,
I Don't Ask For More,
My Life Is My God,
My Country, My Corps."

The Soldier Rolled Over
And Drifted To Sleep,
I Couldn't Control It,
I Continued To Weep.

I Kept Watch For Hours,
So Silent And Still
And We Both Shivered
From The Cold Night's Chill.

I Didn't Want To Leave
On That Cold, Dark, Night,
This Guardian Of Honor
So Willing To Fight.

Then The Soldier Rolled Over,
With A Voice Soft And Pure,
Whispered, "Carry On Santa,
It's Christmas Day, All Is Secure."

One Look At My Watch,
And I Knew He Was Right.
"Merry Christmas My Friend,
And To All A Good Night."


Rain, Rain, Go Away!

You shouldn't have to leave your house if it's raining. You certainly shouldn't have to go sit in an Aztec pyramid if it's raining. I hate going to work! Luckily, I'm only going for a few hours :) At 11 AM I'm ducking out and going to a "brainstorming session" for the SoPH Open House. What would make you want to come to the school of public health? Normally during these things, we just have bunch of speakers- someone from each department, the Deans, some students, and then we take them to the Blazer Cafe (I think that's probably where we lose everyone.) But this year, the Dean wants to "get them up and moving" or something. This is the same Dean who suggested that we should take a field trip to a tattoo parlor, or better yet, having someone come in once a week to give tattoos. My Dean is nuts, but that's why I love him. He's fabulous...nuts, but fabulous. Well, I guess I've spent enough time avoiding my impending wettening. Ugh...there's nothing worse than going out in the rain...I will say however, that it's not as bad since I bought my pretty umbrella. Want to see something really crazy? Click here. If anyone has any suggestions for the Open House, post them!! Or email me, whatever :) Laters!

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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

It's a Bird! It's a Plane! No, it's...

My boyfriend. I love Clark Kent...Tom Welling... whoever. Where do they manufacture people that look like that? In fact, where do they make all the WB stars? Because regardless of which show they're on and how much I enjoy it or don't, I have to admit that channel is chock full of beautiful people. (Except the entire cast of Reba..and they're not that ugly it's just that when they're put on the channel with all the freakishly gorgeous people, they don't exactly shine by comparison.) The Smallville plotline is actually not bad either...once you take the time to figure out the intricate web of stories, it's actually really interesting. But, I just watched Clark land naked in a cornfield, so the plot isn't real high on my list of things I'm thinking about at the moment. (Just being honest folks.) Actually it was funny cause I'd called one of my friends to tell him that Tom Welling was going to be semi-naked and he said something about seeing his butt and I said, "Yeah, not on network television. Just be happy with the ripped abs." Then, 10 minutes after I hang up, there's his butt. I should say things like that won't happen more often.



1- This semester is officially over for me sports fans. Thank God. It wasn't difficult, but it was boring. Program evaluation blows. It's really useful, and the classtime itself is a lot of fun, but good gravy writing a 15 page paper on it and taking tests composed of 10 essays was really kickin' the crap out of the enjoyment.

2- Went to mass tonight. Feast of the Immaculate Conception. I'd forgotten how much I like that feast. Lots of Mary songs and the homily was about St. Bernadette (my personal favorite.) I used to be really into Bernadette...we had a movie about her and I had a few books about her. I actually was really into apparitions...I don't know why since I was scared out of my wits of them. When I was a kid I was always afraid that I would have to see one and I really didn't want to. All the kids that saw Mary ended up as priests, nuns, or died shortly after of pretty painful diseases. In Bernadette's case, Mary told her that she "couldn't make her happy in this life, only in the next." Bernadette died of tuberculosis that had spread to her bones. Really painful/agonizing way to go. The whole part of her life where she was seeing Mary was cool though :)

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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Choose the Blue

For those of you I didn't email about this- here's a link to a website that will help you shop the politically correct way. Shopping at stores that support your party's favorite color- yet another way to divide America!


The sky is falling!

Not really. But it is emitting inordinate amounts of heat for the season. What the hell?!


Monday, December 06, 2004

How to make me realize I'm an idiot

Tell me (in so few words) that no matter how much I think about you everyday, you'll never waste your time like that on me.


It must be something in the water

So, I don't think any of you know about our school's relief efforts in Jamaica. We did a fundraiser shortly after Hurricane Ivan in an attempt to aide those in Jamaica. We collected money from people at school and decided to use the money to buy chlorine water purification tablets. So, we had all the money and all that was left to do was to purchase the tablets. Finding these tablets has been a nightmare. I was supposed to do it, and then I couldn't find them, so the PHSA president at the time was supposed to do it. Well, she didn't do it and didn't do it, and finally Richard got sick of the money sitting there, so I took the responsibility back again. The guy who's supposed to take the tablets to Jamaica is leaving Friday, so it quickly became a matter of some importance. I called this number off the internet 2 weeks ago in an attempt to track someone down who had a supply of these tablets. You can get iodine tablets at camping supply places, but they only purify about 5 gallons per box, and they shouldnt be used on people with thyroid problems. We didn't want to risk getting someone with an undiagnosed thyroid problem sick, so getting chlorine tablets was really important.

Today, the internet man finally called me back out of the blue. I personally think it was somewhat of a divine intervention because I was planning on going to Academy tonight and just buying the stupid iodine tablets because it would be easier and we could be done with the whole thing. Anyway, the guy calls from Des Moines, Iowa and he is soooo nice. He was asking what we were trying to get the tablets for and I told him it was for relief efforts in Jamaica. He was telling me all this really cool stuff about how you could use Clorox in much the same way and he told me exactly how to do it- if we ever have an emergency where our water supply is compromised, call me. I know exactly what to do. I even wrote it down :) He tells me all about this for about 15 minutes...and I was really getting kind of tired of it. He was super-nice but I didn't need that much information at the moment...I just needed to know where I could get some tablets. He gives me a contact number for someone else, and we hang up.

5 minutes later my phone rings again and it's his number. I didn't want to answer because I was le tired of talking about water. But I did. And I'm so glad I did. He was calling to tell me that he would just mail me those tablets for free because it was for a good cause and because he was really proud of kids like me trying to make a difference. He is sending 8 boxes of tablets....enough to purify 800 gallons of water...for free. He was the nicest man I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with. Yay Gary from Des Moines, Iowa. My Dad is from Iowa. It must be something in the water up there :) Because of the wonderful Gary, we were able to take the money we were going to spend on tablets and put it toward socks and blankets for the drive we're doing for the Salvation Army. It's a nice feeling :)

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Global Warming

It is December 6th. It is supposed to hit 69 degrees today. What in the world is that about?!? In other news, I found my mistletoad pin, so I'm a little bit happier. For some reason it's supposed to be warm outside, but my apartment is -10 degrees. I'm freezing! Better get ready for work. Laters!


Sunday, December 05, 2004

Toblerone = Crack

Toblerone really should be a controlled substance. Cause that stuff will mess you up bad. I haven't slept in a really long time. And I'm not tired. In fact, I still feel like my heart is skipping beats. Of course, that may be because I drank another soda today. Finals really mess up my diet. Which is sad since I've done absolutely no work whatsoever on anything finals related. Including the term paper which is due tomorrow. Haven't even started. (sshh..don't tell anyone.) I'm going to start it right now. After I go buy another Toblerone.

Viva la revolucion!

I just wanted to point out that I started the mass exodus from Xanga. Nuff said.

It's that obvious

Wow. You know everyone knows you're a procrastinating monkey when someone sends you this card.


Lying Awake

It is 3 AM and I am still awake. Damn you Toblerone!

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Saturday, December 04, 2004

Sweatshops suck

Why are people evil? Even businesses that try to have good practices aren't able to for one reason or another. It's bad enough you can't eat meat- now you have to worry if you're promoting horrible business practices by buying toys.


Study update

Yeah. Just woke up from a 2 hour nap- only because my parents called. No paper or studying done. One thing has become painfully obvious. I need a helper monkey. With a tazer and a whip.


Mission Accomplished

Finally got rid of freaky apartment guy's bookshelves. Woohoo! Now I should seriously study, but I really don't know how successful that attempt will be. Let's try it shall we? Well, after I find some food. Then study. Hopefully.

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How to entertain me

Be a Muppet, and make a Christmas Carol movie, and then let me watch it. Cause I love the Muppet Christmas Carol. If you haven't seen it- go rent it. I promise you will not be disappointed. Unless you're some kind of Muppet-hating grinch. In which case, you shouldn't be reading my blog. Really. Stop. Muppet-hater.


Stepping on Bear.
Posted by Hello

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For once we get to sit down to do the stupid "Stair Steps" pictures
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Dog pile on the rabbit!
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Samantha in Times Square
Posted by Hello

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Friday, December 03, 2004

The Love is Gone

The affair has ended. Raine Maida is now some kind of unofficial American Idol CD producer. Therefore, I shun him. I will continue my torrid love affair with Our Lady Peace, because they have yet to lead me astray. As for Mr. Maida, it's over. Getting married, and having a baby, and being exposed to excess levels of Avril Lavigne have really had a negative effect on him. Oh well. I'll miss you Raine.


How to start the day off wrong...

Dream it's Saturday. Then wake up and realize it's not. I swear I have that dream at least 3 days out of the 5 day work-week. Well, I better get ready. More later I'm sure.

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Thursday, December 02, 2004

How to freak me out a bit...

Keep asking strange favors in a strange attempt to get a glimpse into my apartment. My neighbor is really starting to freak me out a little...he asked me out for coffee about a month ago and I never really responded, cause I just wasn't all that interested in getting coffee with him. Simple as that. But when he was asking me, he was constantly peering into my apartment and making comments about everything he could see. So then a few nights ago, he pops up at my door to ask to borrow my vacuum cleaner. Daniel's sitting on the couch- we were watching a movie we'd rented. Yet, this dude is going to stand there peering into my apartment and ask me what movie we're watching. How intrusive is that?!?

Tonight, he comes knocking at my door again and he has a box of bookshelves he's just purchased. He says that he just was at the store and bought these, but he must have left his keys at the store and he can't get into his apartment. He wants to know if he can leave his bookshelves in my apartment while he goes back to the store to retrieve his keys. I told him sure, and so I've had a set of bookshelves sitting next to my door for about 4 hours now. I didn't really think much about it at the time, cause I was watching "The Simpsons" (translation: mind was on auto-pilot) but now that I'm starting to get kind of tired and irritated about the fact that I can't go to bed til he retrieves his shelves, I'm starting to find a few irregularities.

First of all, why couldn't he have just left the shelves in his car? Second of all, how do you leave your keys in a store? How do you drive your car home from the store if you've left your keys in the store? This dude is truly bizarre and he's starting to freak me out a little. I was thinking about it, and if he shows up saying that he still can't get into his apartment and he needs a place to stay for the night, he's going to learn the meaning of TS. Cause that's what it'll be for him. He's starting to get on my nerves. I'm all about being neighbourly, but not to the point where I have to start wondering if you're trying to kill me.

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Why is my pyramid upside down? never realize how bad your diet is until you do an in-depth analysis.

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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

How to Break my Heart

Write a single for Kelly Clarkson's album. Way to go Raine

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Friends don't let friends eat fish that smell like cigarettes.

So I went to Subway for lunch again today...making this 2 days in a row. Eating the same the same location...with the same person. It wasn't Groundhog Day, but it certainly seemed like it. That's beside the point. I ordered a tuna sandwich, because for some reason, veggie subs sick me out. I think it's because they get kind of soggy...soggy bread is so gross. I got to the table, opened my sandwich wrapper, and was greeted with the sickly smell of cigarettes. However, my co-luncher sniffed my sandwich, and detected no trace of the silent killer. Also, his sandwich didn't smell like mine, and his sandwich was identical to mine. So, I figured it had to be psychological and I bit into the sandwich. It tasted I ate it. After eating it, I could taste cigarettes. I tasted them all day long. Even while chewing gum and drinking Dr. Pepper, the taste of cigarette butts lingered in my mouth. So, I guess the lesson for the day kids, is don't eat tuna that smells like cigarettes. It's probably not a good idea. My lunch buddy should have stopped me. It's all his fault.

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How to Charm Me

Tell me I look like Reese Witherspoon.


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